Friday, July 20, 2007

*&* 2007 2007 *&*

政贤 ~ Eleven days old

....Since the niGht discharge frOm hOspital, hE sUck pAcifier liao bEcause he refUse to slEep when put him on his bEd.....

Am i hAndsOme thAn dAdDyPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket mE lOok like dAdDy, mUmMy or XinyiPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, July 16, 2007


15 jUly 07
At 9.30am+ ~ i was lie down on bed, a phone call came in, i heard my hubby told Xinyi was 小阿姨打来的 so i let her talk to my sis first(because my eldest sis & younger sis will come my house) then she call mummy. When i pick up the phone i answer hahaha is Zheng Xian's PD, i said sorry to her....she said is ok then told me Zheng Xian e Jaundice level was went down, she ask me want to bring baby home?? hahha i was happy answer yes want to bring him home....She said at home still need to let him sun on the morning time to prevent the Jaundice level go up again, on wednesday need to bring him to check up either to her clinic or to Dr. Don Wong there because beside his clinic got GP....After a while the hospital also called my hubby said that before 12pm come to bring your son home & remember to bring one set of baby' cloths & wrapper Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Zheng Xian can come home le....after 15mins later my 2 sis also reached my house, they aslo hAppy can see Zheng Xian..

At 10am+ ~ we drove 2 cars with my MIL to the hospital bring Zheng Xian home, reach there about 11am the carpark still got a lot of empty spaces. We're total 7 person go up to the nursery room, the nurse saw me said come yr son is here, ask me take out my son's cloths then she change for him, she teach me how to clean his Umbilical cord(肚脐), give me a bottle of milk ask me go home to feed him by 11.30am. After a while hubby settle the bills come in the nursery room, the nurse asked me is your hubby drive car? i answer yes then she told my hubby to drive the car standby at the entrance, she will pull our boy & go down with me...

16 jUly 07

Saturday, July 14, 2007

jAuNdiCe & G6PD???

~ 09 jUly
When the first day Zheng Xian was out, his PD Dr. Lilian Lim told me my son so far was ok because is the first day, the hearing test will be done by 2ml & she will check him every morning after that report to me....
At 5pm+ ~ hubby brought my MIL & Xinyi come, Xinyi so happy when she saw her 弟弟 & she know what her 弟弟's name.....
At 6pm+ ~ My previous company's colleague came to visit me so touch.....
At 7.30pm+ ~ When we're at the nursery room to see Zheng Xian, one of my friend visited me also. We're chit chat around 8.30pm+ then she back home....

~ 10 jUly
My Gynae came in at 8am, he check my wound & ask me got pass urine, got take painkiller etc, then he told me if everythings is ok can discharge on Wednesday..Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket can go home liao....But around 9.30am+ Dr. Lim came in, told me that Zheng Xian has done e blood test & discover he got Jaundice & G6PD, so he need to be under the light..She explain to me that is very common have Jaundice nowadays, & she need to observe Zheng Xian for one week because of the G6PD, she said he can live a normal life but cannot give him Traditional medicines such as certian herbs & beans such as San zi zi, fave bean(bain dou)& chuan lian(banned in S'pore) & Don't use Mothballs, All this will make the red blood cells break down in people with G6PD deficiency. Breastfeeding mothers aslo not to take any of this too as the chemicals can reach the baby through breast milk. At every visit, tell the Doctor or dentist that he has G6PD deficiency.....She told me at least must stay until Monday if early is Sunday, very sad that my little boy cannot go home with me Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thursday, July 12, 2007

thE biRth stOry of zhEng xiAn.......

mUmMy ~ 08 jUly 07
At 12pm+, i discover got a bit brown discharge, so i asked my sis is that alright? Af first, i tot because of i drink e coconut juice, She say no & told mE is the sign of stArt already....... & remind me is that everythings prepare (hospital bag)ok? i say yes. Around 4pm+ my sis was goin back to M'sia, keep remind me must be careful ya...
At 6pm+ i told my hubby that i got the feeling of that & still got brown discharge, said 2ml morning ask Gynae(alrdy got appointment at Mon 9.30am).He sayang my tummy & told bb not this time ok hehehe, after that i go kitchen to cook Xinyi's dinnerPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket.
At 7pm+ ~ i ate dUriAn again wAs left over on Saturday de yUmmy yUmmy..
At 8pm+ ~ iron hubby's cloths
At 12pm+ ~ hubby ask me am i ok or not? i say if not ok i will wake u up kekeke
09 jUly 07
2am ~ i woke up, contraction was coming on and off, not so strong but bearable, drink some warm water then go sleep again.
At 3am ~ the pain was half & hours once, i was thinking want to wake hubby up to go hospital? If yes also must wake Xinyi up then bring her to MIL's house, lie down on bed Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket...
At 4am ~ the pain was almost 20mins once & the feeling was like last time, so woke up my hubby he say better go hospital now. Called his mum said will bring Xinyi to her house, woke up Xinyi she was blur blur & slept all the way to MIL's house.
Around 5.20am ~ When on the way to Mt.A, msg my 3 sis that i am going to hospital. reach Mt.A hospital, the pain make me cannot walk have to stop a while then continous, reached e 24hours clinic the nurse asked me to sit on the wheelchair then push me to take lift haha i don't know which floor i am going, because of the contraction pain. She push me in to the labour ward room 2, asked me change their gown & pass urine for testing.
At 5.35am ~ after that i lie down on bed, the nurse strapped on the CTG Monitoring on my tummy to monitoring of bb's heart beat & uterine contraction..hubby sAw me so painful asked me want to jab Epidural?? I say NO to him...then the nurse asked him go back the counter do registration.
At 5.50am ~ oOOoOOOoo the pain was non stop liao & you can heard the different sound from the CTG Monitoring, "pipo..pipo...pipo" after that is "pipopipopipopipo" running very fast & loudly means the contration pain come.....
At 6am ~ The water bag burst....the nurse start "kan cheong" liao, she clean the bed, told me that already called the Gynae & he is on the way......after a while, the nurse asked me DON'T PUSH yet because the Gynae haven't come & keep remind me DON'T PUSH(heard my hubby said already can see baby's head), me turn to left side & remove the pillow...oOOoOo my both hand was holding my hubby & keep calling "daddy daddy pain & Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket.....
Finally, i sAw my Gynae cAme in but still have to wait for him to change his gown...he walked to me said that now you can open your legs big big, i slowly open my both legs, Gynae said u can push now, hubby told me can see baby's head also asked me to push...i push 2 times wOhahahaha SHIOK MAN my baby boy came out liao....Lucky i never ask for Epidural if not waste $$ liao....


Sunday, July 08, 2007


yEtErdAy afternoon,小阿姨,姐姐和弟弟来我们的家。hihihi thiS cOcOnut iS mUmMy ask 小阿姨 brought from M'sia de, RM $2 so chEap hor

08 jUly 是小阿姨的生日呢。。。

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


finAlly, dAdDy & mUmMy had decided 弟弟的名字了,
iS cAll 王政贤 ~ Ong Zheng Xian.

政 ~ 政治,财政,家政
贤 ~ 有才德的人,圣贤,选贤举能

thiS name iS mUmMy think of de hehehe, mUmMy sAy shE rEad thRough of the 汉语字典 & pick out the wOrd thAt shE liKes thEn mix & mAtch de hAhAhA. & nOw mUmMy alrdy stArt tO cOunt dOwn le. lAst 2dAys chEck uP 弟弟的 wEight wAs 2.7kg, mUmMy wAs 64.1kg...

bAby_Ong 38 wEeks Old.....

~ yOur bAby hAs a fiRm gRasp nOw.

~ If yOur baby is born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown. If he's born with dark gray or blue eyes, they may stay that color or turn brown, green, or hazel during his first year.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
