Sunday, August 31, 2008

An aPple a dAy, kEep dOctOrs awAy....

政贤: mUmMy tOld mE thAt "An aPple a dAy, kEep dOctOrs awAy", sO i likE tO eAt aPple....

yUmMy yUmMy apPle...

wAtching Hi5

lOok likE sqUirRel eAtingPhotobucket


31 Aug 08

tOday iS Malaysia's nAtiOnal dAy...wiSh Malaysia hApPy 51st biRthdAy....

Saturday, August 30, 2008

a dAy oUt tO BishAn sWimming pOol......

欣怡: thiS mOrning wE wEnt tO bishAn sWimming pOol fOr Photobucket,
thiS eVent wAs OrgAnize by dAdDy's cOmpAny. mE & 弟弟 wEre rEalLy enjOys thErE

弟弟 wAs firSt timE Photobucket, lOok at hiS hApPy fAce.

aftEr plAying a whilE dAdDy wAs brOught hIm up tO chAnge clOths bEcAuSe scAred hE fEel cOld bUt 弟弟 wAs rElUctAnt tO gO up & Photobucket

Photobucket, sO thiS timE 弟弟 wAs nAked Photobucket

dAdDy bOught mE a sWimMing flOat cOst SGD6.9 bUcks.....

0.45M hiGh wAter...

aftEr chAnge clOths, fEel hUngRy lOok fOr sOmEthinGs tO eAt.....

enjOys yUmMy yUmMy biScUits.....

yUmMy yUmMy iCe-crEam....

on oUr wAys tO grOcEriEs shopPing lOrPhotobucket..thiS timE wE whEn tO AMk hUb's e NTUC sUpErmArket

mE sEated insiDe thE pUshcArt, oh yA sEe mY nEw shOes niCe bOPhotobucket....

mUmMy: ActuAlly thiS shOes wAs kAren bOught fOr shErnise siZe 20cm frOm SMH, bUt tOo big fOr hEr, sO kArEn aSked mE whAt iS 欣怡 shOes siZe. sO i gO hOme mEasUre 欣怡's fEet wAs 19cm, hUrRAy!! mEans 欣怡 cAn wEar it, sO i bOught oVer fRom kArEn SGD20 bUcks. shE brOught thE shOes fOr mE lAst niGht, 欣怡 wAs vEry hApPy with hEr nEw shOes. whEn hEr dAdDy bAck hOme shE tOld hEr dAd thAt wAs Auntie kArEn bOught hEr de.....hAhA

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

likE siStEr likE brOthEr......

mUmMy: whEn pUt thEm tOgEthEr wAtch Hi5, bOth of thEm will siNg & dAncEPhotobucket.....

PhotobucketlikE SistEr likE brOthEr.....

Monday, August 25, 2008

oUr wEekEnds.......

24 aUg 08

oUr lUnch @ 万香城餐馆

thiS rEstOurAnt wAs rEcOmmEnded bY 陈莉萍 & Cynthia Koh 食足大马(Makan Kakis Go Malaysia). sO 大阿姨 wAs cAlled tO bOok a tAble fOr tOdAy oUr lUnch...yUmmy yUmMy.....

thEir addrEss iS
34-B, Jalan Skudai, Batu 3 1/4, Off Tahar, 80200 Johor Bahru, Johor (Opp e DangA fEstivE mAll) tEl: 07-237 5194 Hp: 016-757 1887 (bOok 1 dAy in advAnce)

政贤: thEse aRe thE wAys i sEatEd on bAbychAir whilE thEy wEre bUsy eAting.....


i cAn stAnd on thE bAbychAir sOmemOrePhotobucket

i alSo cAn sqUat...

lOok at 姐姐's fUnNy siLly fAce....


23 aUg 08

@ dEsAru bEAch

欣怡: lAst sAturdAy, wE're wEnt tO dEsAru picNic with 大姨丈,大阿姨,小姨丈,小阿姨 还有表姐,表弟.....thEy prEpAre mAny fOod, frUits & tiTbits, 小阿姨 gOt cOok sOmE pOrRidgE fOr oUr lUnch, bUt in thE eNd wAs 弟弟 finishEd....lUcky wE're rEach thEre eArly abOut 11.30am & only driZzling, aftEr 1 & hAlf hOurs stArted hEavy rAin thErefOre wE chAnged oUr clOths & pAcked all thiNgs pUt intO thE cArs, thEn drivE tO anOthEr plAce fOr oUr lUnch lE....

mY nEw sWimming cOstUme thAt mUmMy bOught frOm jshOpPers cOst SGD23 bUcks...

mE, dAdDy, 小姨丈, 表姐 & 表弟 wErE bUilding a sAndcAstle...

弟弟 & mUmMy , 大阿姨, 小姨丈 wErE siTting hEre Photobucket & rElAx

bEnsOn 表弟

whAt iS 弟弟 dOingPhotobucket

hE wAs plAying thE wAtEr bOtTle...