Monday, September 21, 2009

ChAngi bEAch pArk...

mUmMy: tOdAy iS hAri rAya hOlidAy, sO wE dEcided tO gO chAngi beAch pArk 野餐 with mY pArents in lAw and Sindy. mY Mil pRepAred fRy bEe hOon, and some snAcks thEre. wE reAlly eNjoys thEre bEcAuse the beAch qUite cleAn cOmpAre SBW pArk & eAst cOast...wE reAched thEre arOund 9Am+ and leAve arOund 12pm+. aftEr thAt wE go yishUn bLk 925 eAt the fAmous ChickEn riCe....

我的小和尚 eNjOys plAying sAnd himsElf...

欣怡alSO enjoyS sWmmings...

hUbBy iS fiShing...

Oh whAt iS thiS??

SIA fliGht....


hi dAdA..dAdA......小和尚在开葡萄干吃哟。


当他们四个在一起的时侯就会变成“东邪西毒“, 个有个的“好“喔...


Wednesday, September 09, 2009


tOdAy iS 09 09 09 very nice number and also is mY LitTle Photobucket 26mthS oLd le..hOw timEs filE ya....

hApPy 26
mOnthS Old

Saturday, September 05, 2009


mUmMy: lAst wEek whEn we are at my mOthEr's hOuse, i dEcided tO uSe 骗, 哄, 逼.....欣怡 cUt hEr lOng hAir tO shOrt, after kEep abOut 3yEArs+ lOng hAir, sO bAd of mE bUt no chOice 谁叫她不喜欢绑头....bUt she didn't cry at all while cUtting her hAir and aftErya ya....iS only RM $5, so cheAp riGht.

bEfOre hAir cUt...

Photobucket sUrpRise....lOok niCe riGhthi

thiS mOrning we gO chOng pAng eAt brEakfAst...