Sunday, October 28, 2007

bUmBo chAir on triAl....

lAst sAtuRdAy, mUmMy wAnt to tAke 弟弟的 pAsSpOrt phOto with white bAckgrOund, sO lEt 弟弟sEat on bUmbo chAir (mUmMy bOught frOm SMH BP priCe 63.90 bUcks). yOu sEe hiS hEad will bEnd fOrwArd Photobucket....mUmMy uSe APPLES (Application for Passport On-line Electronic System) apply fOr 弟弟的 pAsSpOrt, nEed 2weeks timE tO pRocess if phOto is apProved.....hUrRayPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketwE cAn gO 外婆家 sOon...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

mUmMy's biRthdAy dinNer.....

thiS 中西和拼 e dinNer wAs dAdDy cOoked fOr mUmMy de.....HmmmmMMmmMm yUmMy yUmMy

whAT is oUr brEakfAst tOdAy??

whOse biRthdAy cAkE hUhPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

errrm...iS 姐姐's biRthdAyPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 姐姐's biRthdAy is on jAnuAry ooo

hAhAhA...iS oUr mUmMy's biRthdAy nE bUt why dAdDy bOught pOoh bEAr dEsign nE?? mUmMy aSked dAdDy, dAdDy sAid likE thAt eVeryOne will bE hApPy mAh. yOu sEe, mUmMy gOt a biRthdAy cAkE & 姐姐 gOt hEr fAvOurite pOoh bEar, mE iS tOo yOung still don't knOw yEt.....wiSh mUmMy Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket & stAy yOunG...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

LiTtle diAnO 45mths Old le

mUmMy: hOw timE filEs, oUr LiTtle diAnO alrEady 45mths old anOther 3mths mOre shE wiLl bE 4years old le. nExt yEar jAnUary shE will bE attEnd PCF nUrsEry schOol @ SBW Drive Blk 413, vEry nEar tO my MIL's place, 3hrs pEr dAy x 5dAys = $65 pEr mth nOt include thE mAteriAl feEs.

hihi fAtTy wEaring nEw clOths.....

still with tAg (hAven't wAsh nE), yOu sEe hEr lAh, use thE stickEr pAste on thE wAll.

thEse 2 brAnds of animAL biScuits are sAme only diffErEnt pricEs & pAckAging. yEllOw pAckAging(left) NTUC sElling 1.85 bUcks(offer prices), blUe pAckAging(riGht) Marks & Spencer sElling 3.50 bUcks......hmmhmmummm yUmMy yUmMy

Monday, October 22, 2007

nEw clOths fOr mE & xiAn xiAn......

mUmMy : tOdAy i wAs gO off eArly by 5mins bUt rEach SBW abt sAme as usUal, think of wAnt tO bUy sOme pAir of sOcks fOr mY nAughty giRl bUt end up bOught 3 sEts of clOths, single pcs tOp sElling 4 bUcks & the mActhing pAnts sElling 3 bUcks, sO eAch sEt cOst SGD 7 bUcks. 2 sEts wAs sAme dEsign only diffErEnt cOlour, 1 set will givE tO my niEce (fiOn~芷霖). 芷霖, eithEr yOu chOose pink or rEd colOur Okie hihi..if yOu likE thE orAnge cOlour dEsign thEn 2ml aftEr wOrk i gO sEe whEthEr still hAve stOck or nOt.....

e AnimAl pAnts cOst SGD 9 bUcks, e rOmper cOst SGD 10 bUcks bOth siZe 90, also is frOm SMH BP

thEse are from SMH ~ Babymallonline Spree ~, cOst SGD 7.6bUcks + SGD 4.5bUcks shiPping cOSt sO tOtAl up wAs SGD 12.1 bUcks (mUmMy vEry kiAsu bOught fOr xiAn xiAn thE siZes is 18-24mths de Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket)

mY "mOnkEy" 姐姐

yOu sEe thiS "mOnkEy" 姐姐, alwAys likE tO climbEd up e sArOng stAnd eVen whEn i slEep inSide....i rEally scAred of onE dAy i will fAll dOwn nE Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, October 19, 2007

a sOuvEnir fRom VietnAm......

thiS drAgOnFly wAs dAdDy bOught fRom VietnAm cOSt USD 1 bUck

thiS mAgnEt crAb alSo cOSt USD 1 bUck

sOme nUts...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

cUtE crEatiOn.....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket whEn did mAmA's hOuse bEcOme a "INSECTS WORLD" & whAt thEy aRe quEuing fOrPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket thEse rUbBer insEcts wAs lAst wEek Ah gOng & mAmA brOught 姐姐 tO NTUC shOpPing bOught dE. hEard mAmA sAid gOt one Auntie sAw 姐姐's hAnd wAs hOlding thiS rUbBer insEct wAit fOr pAymEnt, thE Auntie tOld 姐姐 yOu are a giRl giRl shOuld plAy wiTh bAbiE dOll nOt thiS kind of tOys, 姐姐 juSt lAughEd & ignOre hEr......
dAdDy & mUmMy alSo shAke thEir hEad Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, why 姐姐's chAractEr iS like thAt dE

mY nEw tiGht dReSs......

bELoW thEse tiGht dReSs wAs mUmMy bOught frOm SMH(S'pore MotherHoOd) fOrum e BP. eAch pcs cOSt S$11, tOtAl 3pcs wAs $33 + pOstAge $2 = $35, mUmMy sAid 1pcs is fOr fiOn姐姐 aka 表姐 de. fiOn姐姐, whiCh dEsiGn yOu likE??

Friday, October 12, 2007

5 in 1 vAcCinAtiOn fOr zhEng xiAn

Evening, mUmMy rEach mAmA's hOuse as usUal 6.40pm, aftEr hEr dinNer, wE bRouGht 弟弟 tO the clinIc fOr thE vAcCinAtion jAb 5 in 1, which is nEar mAmA's hOusE. cOst $80 per jAb, vAcCinAl 5 in 1 gOt 3 jAbs sO tOtAl up iS $240(anyOne knOw thAt iS chEap or ExpEnsivePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket). pOlyclinic chArge 5 in 1 is $290.40 & 6 in 1 is $326.10 errmm please correct mE if i am wrOng ya.

wEight ~ 6.7kg
hEiGht ~ 61cm
hEaD CiRcUmfErEnCe ~ 42.5cm
brAnd of fOmulA milk ~ Enfalac A+
drinking 5oz mix with 160ml of water
bUt rEcEntly, 弟弟 alwAys nOt finiShed his milk & dOn't likE tO driNk wAtEr.

a Gift fRom dAdDy.....

hUrrAy!!!! dAdDy wAs bAck hOmE le. dAdDy bought me 3 nice T-shirts(left at mAmA's hoUse sO nO phOtO tO shOw bUt will uplOad lAtEr) & one NEMO wAtEr botTle, dAdDy also bOught mUmMy a pErfumE cOSt USDPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket97 bUcks hihi mUmMy didn't knOw thAt this brAnd wAs so expEnsiVe, whEn dAdDy aSked mUmMy whAt brAnd of perfume she wOuld like tO bUy sO shE juSt sAid 'Chanel Allure'. bEcAuse iS a prOmiSed thAt whEn dAdDy wAs awAy tO ovErsEas, mUmMy nEed tO tAkE cArE of thE Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket + plAnt + bOth of Us. sO thE pErfUme iS a tOkEn frOm dAdDy, whEn bACk hOme dAdDy sAid mUmMy '趁火打劫', mUmMy replied dAdDy sAid: yOu thOught iS eAsy tO rUsh Up & dOWn aftEr wOrk tO Yishun thEn SBW hUh?? minUs out e bUs fAres & tAxi fAres & sErviCes chArge = tO onE pErfUme lOr. vEry Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket tO hUbby, I likE thiS pErfUme vEry mUch). bUt dAdDy nEver bUy any gift fOr 弟弟。。。。On 14 Oct sUndAy mOrning, dAdDy nEed tO fly agAin, thiS timE is tO VietnAm ~ Ho Chi Minh City fOr onE wEek alSo. sO mUmMy sAid thiS pErfUme wAs '得来不易'的。。。。。

iS NEMO...

bElOw e cOmpArtmEnt gOt chOcAlate dE

brAnd nAME ~ 'CHANEL' Allure sEnsUeLle

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Sunday, October 07, 2007

mY nEw stOry bOoks.......

thEse 8 stOry bOoks wAs mUmMy bOught fOr mE tO rEad, wAs offEr frOm mY schOol. tHe tEachErs sAid oUtsiDe selling mOre expEnsive & thiS 8 bOoks coSt SGD $30.

~ I knOw i cAn bE ThoughtfUl & I knOw i cAn bE CleAn
thiS 2 bOoks dAdDy & mUmMy alReAdy rEad fOr mE le..

~ I knOw i cAn bE MindfUl & I knOw i cAn BehAvE

~ I knOw i cAn bE hUmBle & I knOw i cAn bE GenerOus

~ I knOw i cAn bE BrAve & I knOw i cAn bE HelpfUl

stAy at mAmA's hOuSe...

thiS mOrniNg, dAdDy nEed tO tAke SQ fliGht tO sAn frAnciSco fOr wOrk abOut 1 week, sO mE, 弟弟 & mUmMy wilL bE stAy at mAmA's hOuSe at SBW until thiS fridAy. bUt in bEtwEen thiS fEw dAys, mUmMy nEed tO rUn bAck YishUn aftEr wOrk bEcAuSe of dAdDy's Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket & plAnt........Wish dAdDy ~ bOn vOyAgE ~

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

eAtinG sKill....

mUmMy sAid 姐姐 alwAys diRty thE flOor whEn eAt sOmEthingS, bEcAuse shE likE tO wAlk arOund whilE eAtinG & caUse thAt a lOt of ants in oUr hoUse le, sO dAdDy mOvE a chAir tO bAlcOny asked 姐姐 sit dOwn thEre tO eAt Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket.

rEadyPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 1.....


3....ahummm yUmmy yUmmy

big sMilePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket....

sO shiOk hUh??

thiS biScUit wAs mUmMy's cOlleAgUe brOught fRom M'siA ipOh....