Monday, December 31, 2007


hOw timE fiLes, tOdAy alReAdy iS yEAr 2007 e lAst dAy le. & 2 mOre dAys i will bE bAck tO sChOol, i m loOking fOrwArd on thiS dAy......wiSh ALl of yOu

*~* hApi 2OO8 & wiSh cOmE tRue *~*

*~* nEw yEAr Eve 2007_12_31 10.30pm *~*

mUmMy: tOdAy my cOmpAny wAs giVen hAlf dAy knOck Off(12.30pm)Photobucket sAmE as chRiStmAs Eve, the lAst 2 yEars also thE sAme. at fiRst i wAs cAlled a fRiEnd tO mEet up at BishAn jUnctiOn 8 fOr lunch bUt anOther fRiend wAs cAnNot mAke it bEcAuse hEr 3 kids wAs nObody tAke cAre & shE alSo dOn't wAnt tO bring all her kids oUt fOr sOme of rEasOns.

arOund 12.20pm hUbby sms aSked mE whAt time i cAn knOck off tOdAy? i rEplied him 12.30pm thAt all hihi bEcAuse i alrEady mEet up mY fRiend fOr lUnch le & eArly mOrning aftEr sEnd uS tO MIL's hOuse hE wEnt tO jUrOng fiShing pOnd fOr fiShing sO i thOught hE wOuld be fiSh until eVening timE, hE rEplied mE sAid he wOuld bE fiSh until 3pm & aSked whEthEr wAnt tO wAtch 5pm movie? eErmm think of mEet up with fRiend 4hrs shOuld bE enOugh timE ba so repliEd ok & wAtCh at jUnctiOn 8.

sO i rEachEd jUnctiOn 8 arOund 1pm (mY cOlleAgues gAve mE a lift tO nEarest bUs stAtion tAke bUs wOuld be fAster). aftEr rEach of cOurse wAs shOp arOund fiRst bUt bEfOre thAt i gO up lEvEl 4(GoldEn VillAge CinemA) tO sEe whAt shOws thEy hAve tOdAy, thEy only shOw "I Am Legend", "Alvin & the Chipmunks" & "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" on aftEr 5pm..hUbBy sAid wAnt tO wAtch "The Warlords" bUt only shOw at eArly timE, cAlLed hUbBy tO cOnfiRm agAIn & dEcided tO wAtch "I Am Legend". 2 tiCkEts cOst SGD $19 bUcks.....bEfOre brOught tiCkEts alrEady lEt my fRiend know thAt i will wAtch 5pm moVie at jUnctiOn 8, & mAybe of thiS rEasOn she end up "放我飞机" & 以为我是在利用她来打发时间的 bUt sEriOusly i wAs nOtPhotobucket....cAlLed hEr sAid hAven't finiShed tiDy up hEr rOom.....Agrhhhh hUngry le gO MOS bUrgEr eAt thEir sAlAd & riCe bUrgEr + 1 lOw fAt milk cOst SGD $8.20 bUcks......

thiS 2 tOp wAs bRought at Esprit cOst SGD $19.90 bUcks, likE thE 3 qUater slEeve, thE phOne pOuch wAs SGD $10.95 bUcks fOr 3

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

chRistmAs prEsEnt....

All thEsE are my ChriStmAs gifts, thE bAby giRl wAs dAdDy & mUmMy brOught fOr mE de. thE IQ Logic gAmes wAs 二伯母 brOught de. Photobucket fOr all the gifts yA, i likE it vEry mUch..

thiS wAtch wAs ciNdy 姐姐 brOught dE.

thiS iS 政贤的chRiStmAs prEsEnt, bEcAuSe nOw hE alwAys 流口水,mUmMy sAid 他可能要长牙齿了sO bOught thiS fOr him tO chEw

Saturday, December 22, 2007

*~* 冬至快乐 *~*

hOw timEs filEs, tOdAy alrEady iS 22 dEc 07 whiCh iS 冬至....mUmMy sAid tOdAy 是吃汤圆的大日子(bUt mUmMy nEed tO gO bAck Photobucket fOr wOrk, dinNer timE thEn gO mAmA's hOuse) & 3 mOre dAys is ChriStmAs le mmhhh dOn't knOw thiS yEar whAt Gifts mE & 弟弟 will recEive Photobucket。。。。

WiSh All of yOu *~* 冬至快乐 *~*

Thursday, December 13, 2007

3rd dOsE 6 in 1 fOr zhEng xiAn

tOniGht wE'rE brOught 弟弟 tO cLinic fOr jAb 3rd dOse 6 in 1 vAcCinAtion. wAh aftEr thE jAb 弟弟 wAs nO cRy at all, mUmMy & dAdDy sAid 弟弟 wAs sO brAve....

wEight ~ 8.2kg
hEiGht ~ no measure
hEaD CiRcUmfErEnCe ~ no measure
brAnd of fOmulA milk ~ Enfalac A+
8oz mixEd with 240ml of water + 2 scOop of yAng shEn si shen brOwn ricE.....yUmMy yUmMy bUt rEcently cAn't finished it..

Monday, December 10, 2007

A tRip tO pOrt diCksOn.......

thiS yEar mUmMy's cOmpAny tRip iS tO mALaysiA's pOrt diCksOn, fRom fRidAy tO sUndAy(07~09 dEc), 弟弟wAs nOt gOing, bEcAuse mAmA sAid thE jOurney tOo lOng & alSo trOublesOme tO bRing 弟弟 thEre, sO mAmA tAkE cAre of 弟弟 fOr 3D2N Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket.....hUrRay Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketi cAn gO swiMminG le......

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Monday, December 03, 2007

a dAy with ROnAld McdOnAld.....

yStdAy aftEr mY lUnch, arOund 1pm mUmMy brOught mE tO khAtib McdOnAld tO jOint thE Red PEA, rEgiSter iS frEe. 弟弟& dAdDy wAs stAy at hOme......AftEr 1 & hAlf hrs fUn tiMe thEre, mUmMy wAs aSked mE want tO jOint thEm agAin?? My answered wAs yEs hihi. mUmMy sAid mAybe wAnt tO rEgiSter on 30 Dec at Sun plAza.

McdOnAld's Red PEA iS a crEative & intErActive thrEe-pArt prOgrAmME: Play, ExErciSe & Art! It spElls fUn fAmily edUtAinmEnt thAt will enrich childRen hOlistcAlly - bOdy, mind & spiRit.

Art! timE.......

hihi yOu sEe mY ugly drAwing......

finiShed my drAwing...

sEe mY drAwing cOmpAre tO thEm....

nOw iS ExerciSe & Play timE with ROnAld McdOnAld......

mUmMy's friEnd & 妹妹