Tuesday, January 27, 2009


tOdAy iS 大年初三, mE & hUbBy nOt wOrkiNg bUt xInyi schoo stArt tOdAy, tOo bAd if nOt wE'rE cAn stAy at mAlAysiA 1 mOre dAy Photobucket...

thiS iS thE firSt timE i sEnd Xinyi tO schOol & thEse phOto wAs tAkEn whEn fEtCh hEr bAck frOm schOol.....

& alSo firSt timE mEet hEr tEachEr...i dOn't liKe hEr fOrm tEachEr sEe, lOok at hEr fAce alSo siAn liAo....Photobucket

gUeSs whEre iS XinyiPhotobucket



tOdDler's liOn dAncE......

aftEr liOn dAncE, sO tirEd....



大年初一的晚餐。。。。自助火锅 Photobucket

sOup & bBq type.....


mE & mUmMy

wE sAw a lOt of pEople plAy thE fiRecrAckEr, sEe jiEjiE cOvEr hEr eArs



欣怡:tOdAy iS lUnAr nEw yEAr firSt dAy, as usUal wE'rE gO mAmA's hOuse fOr lUnch aftEr thAt wE'rE go tO 外婆's hOusE

芷霖姐姐,bEnsOn弟弟还有我wiSh All Of yOu "hApPy mOo yEar" & .....

政贤 iS hEre....siMply lOVE thiS phOto hE lOok cUte...

mUmMy: LiTtle Photobucket bEcOme a mOo mOo fAcE tO wiSh aLl of yOu'rE

*~* hApPy 牛 yEAr *~*

*~* 恭喜发财 *~*

*~* 万事如意 *~*

*~* 身体健康 *~*

*~* 笑口常开 *~*


Sunday, January 25, 2009

hApPy 5 yEArs Old & 大年初夕......星期天!!!

政贤:todAy iS 大年初夕~星期天,sAmE as usUal wE're gO mAmA's hOuse tO eAt 团圆饭 & alSo cElEbrAte 姐姐的5 yEArs Old biRthdAy.

hErE i wiSh 姐姐Photobucket

mE & mAmA....

姐姐的dOrA's biRthdAy cAkE...yUmMy yUmMy

姐姐fEel sHy...

liGht Up 5 cAndles....

堂哥和堂姐, 阿灵姐, 还有阿公阿玛和弟弟。。。

Friday, January 09, 2009

hApPy 18 mOnths Old....

hApPy 18th
mOnthS Old

Thursday, January 01, 2009

2@@9 hApPy....

hOw timEs filEs, tOdAy alrEady iS 1st jAn 2@@9 le. Photobucket mE a bit bUsy + lAzy tO updAte blOg, dUe tO mAny mAny mAny rEasOns bUt nOt tO mEntiOn hEre.....hOpE thAt frOm nOw OnwArds or aftEr lUnAr chinEse nEw yEAr eVerythiNg will bE rUnNing smOoth...Photobucket....*z* prAy hArd *z*