wE aRe gOing tO thE zOo.....
mUmMy: tOdAy iS 04 jUly 09, mY cOmAny orgAnizEd a fAmily dAy at singApore zOo, frEe tiCkets fOr fAmily mEmbErs & brEakfAst...wE hAvIng oUr brEakfAst at KFC 8.30Am shArp, OpZz iS thEir opEning timE of cOurse wE ordEred oUr brEakfAst 3 dAys in aDvAnce aCtuAlly iS lUnch meAl sEts bEcAuse Zoological Gardens (Entrance) iS nOt a brEakfAst rEstAurAnt
....aftEr "brEakfAst" wE tOok a grOup phOto bEfOre wE viSit thE zOo...
pOlAr bEar fEeding timE at 10Am.......
Ah mEng's rEstAurAnt.....wE sEtTle oUr lUnch hEre, thE fOod iS sO sO nia bUt tHE is qUite eXpEnsive o..
政贤iS on tOp of hiS dAdDy...
sEe thiS oStriCh, bAckside nO feAthers liAo....
opZz slEepy fAce liao...
plAying wAter at rAinfOrEst kiDzWoRld
2 nAughty with thEir grAndpArents...
欣怡sqUat theRe dOn't wAnt to tAke phOto with pArRots..
tAking phOto with pArRots.....
on thE wAy oUt lor....
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