mUmMy: OPzZz, yEstErdAy mOrniNg wE plAn tO gO bAck tO mAlAysia bUt mY LitTle hAve a tEmpErAture eArly in thE mOrning. iS hE tO wAke mE uP & cAlled mE mUmMy mUmMy a fEw timEs, tOuch hiS fOreheAd wAs feEl vEry hOt, at fiRst i thOught wAs lAst niGht wE nEver On air cOn tO slEep and cAuse hIm fEel wArm and hOt, sO i still chAnge hiS clOths & diApers. pRepAre eVerythings whEn rEady to gO oUt, still fEel likE sOmethigns wrOng with him & thE thErmOmEter wAs at mil's hOuse. sO hUbBy driVe uS tO mil's hOuse tO chEck whEthEr LitTle
iS fEvEr or nOt. whEn reAched MIL wAs wEnt tO mArkEt lEft only FIL, mEasure 政贤'S tEmpErAture iS 37.8 dEgree...sO wE dEcided tO stAy at hOme & nOt gOing tO aNywhere excEpt briNg 政贤 tO sEe dOctOr, i gAve him sOme mEdicine whiCh wAs lAst mOnth dOctoR givEn whEn jAb thE MMR. aftEr thAt wE bUy bAck oUr breAkfAst eAt at hOme, thEn brOught 政贤 tO doWnstAir cOnsUlt a dOctOr, hE sAid if 政贤's tEmpErAture iS gO up tO 40 dEgree thEn cAll an ambUlAnce tO hOspitAl le
hE iS mOre wOrRied thEn uS abOut thE H1N1....
wE bAth 政贤 fEw timEs with cOld wAter & he bAdly eAch timE, bUt he still have a tEmpErAture whiCh wAs nOt gOing down......
arOund 7.30pm, 政贤's fEvEr gO up to 39.5 dEgree & hE lOok like tirEd nOt vEry actiVe, hUbBy sAid sEnd him tO KKH jUSt in cAse miDdle of niGht will gO oUt tO 40deree. thEn wE sEnd 欣怡 tO MIL's hOuse oVerniGht aftEr thAt hEad dOwn tO KKH....
reAched thEre abOut 8pm qUeue nUmber iS 0322, OpZz hAven't sEe dOctor yEt alreAdy pAid SGD $80 le. aftEr intErviEw by the nUrse & dOctOr sAid nEed tO do uriNe tEst. dOctor sAid thE uriNe tEst resUlt iS nOrmAl sO givEn 2 typE of mEdiciNe 1 iS abOve 40degree anOther 1 iS bElOw 40degree, if aftEr 4 dAys 政贤's fEvEr iS still nOt recOver thEn gOt to bring dOwn tO KKh agAin. sEtTle evErythiNgs + the wAting + reAched hOme wAs abOut 3 1/2hrs....政贤
政贤 wAs mAskEd givEn by thE nUrse at KKH & hiS hAnds wAS hUg hiS 宝贝....thE mAsk lOok cUte
at fiRst hE wAs rEluctAnt tO weAr thE mAsk bUt wE kEep pUt on hiS fAce, bEcAuse thEre wAs mAny kiDs qUeuing up tO sEe dOctor
fiNding nEmo wAll pApErs thEmes lOok nice.....
dOes 政贤 lOok likE hAving a fEvEr
whEn wAiting fOr thE uriNe teSt resUlt, tAking phOto with the nEW lOok of thE childrEn Em'cy, rOom 12 & 13.....