Monday, May 25, 2009

CMA Mental Arithmetic.....

mUmMy: lAst mOnth, i rEgistered 欣怡 fOr CMA Mental Arithmetic 珠心算clAss at ChOng pAng bRand. stArt on 8th of mAy, tWice a wEek cOst $180, oNce a wEek cOst $250 bOth are 10 lEsSons sO of cOurse chOose tWice a wEek iS chEaper...At firSt i thOught i wAs a "kiAsu" mUmMy, sO eArly sEnd 欣怡 fOr thiS 珠心算clAss bUt aftEr thE fiSrt dAy clAss, i jUzt rEaliSed thAt i m nOt a "kiAsu" mUmMyPhotobucket

tOtAl wAs $180(10 lessons) + $70(registration fEes) + $50(dEpoSit)= $236 bEcAuse gOt sOmeOne introduced sO only 1 time sChOol fEes diScOunt 8%, nExt tErm gOt to pAy fUll amOunt le...

thiS bAg iS included in registration fEes.....

and thiS....

and thiS tOo....

bEfOre thE clAss stArt, 欣怡 hAd a iCe-crEam at chOng pAng Mc'dOnAld..

and LitTle Photobucket

1 comment:

girls and me said...

Yo!! Friend U are not a KS Mummy... btw how U find the lessons?? if good.. next time i can send Shernise there... keekee......