Thursday, May 28, 2009



Monday, May 25, 2009

CMA Mental Arithmetic.....

mUmMy: lAst mOnth, i rEgistered 欣怡 fOr CMA Mental Arithmetic 珠心算clAss at ChOng pAng bRand. stArt on 8th of mAy, tWice a wEek cOst $180, oNce a wEek cOst $250 bOth are 10 lEsSons sO of cOurse chOose tWice a wEek iS chEaper...At firSt i thOught i wAs a "kiAsu" mUmMy, sO eArly sEnd 欣怡 fOr thiS 珠心算clAss bUt aftEr thE fiSrt dAy clAss, i jUzt rEaliSed thAt i m nOt a "kiAsu" mUmMyPhotobucket

tOtAl wAs $180(10 lessons) + $70(registration fEes) + $50(dEpoSit)= $236 bEcAuse gOt sOmeOne introduced sO only 1 time sChOol fEes diScOunt 8%, nExt tErm gOt to pAy fUll amOunt le...

thiS bAg iS included in registration fEes.....

and thiS....

and thiS tOo....

bEfOre thE clAss stArt, 欣怡 hAd a iCe-crEam at chOng pAng Mc'dOnAld..

and LitTle Photobucket

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

mY eYes gEt sWollEn.....

政贤: Photobucket almOst 1 mOnth timE nEver viSit to 外婆's hOuse, yOu sEe whAt hApPen tO mY left eYesPhotobucket. kEna bite by mOsquito lOr, yOu sEe me bEcAme 大小眼了crying

vEry itchy and rEd...

lUcky i still hAndsOme and adOrAblePhotobucket...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

hApPy mOthEr's dAy....

wiSh aLl of yOu hApPy mOthEr's dAy.....


政贤:this is my old shOes thAt 阿公 bOught fOr mE.....

and thiS is mY nEw shOes thAt mUmMy bOught fOr mE..wOooaaOooo i likE it vEry mUch..thAnks mUmMy Photobucket

and mY 姐姐's alSo gOt hEr nEw shOes....shE alSo like it vEry mUch...

Saturday, May 09, 2009

hApPy 22nd mOnths Old........

thiS iS hOw mY LitTle Photobucket driNk wAtEr with hiS bOtTle, lAzy tO uSe hiS hAnd sO uSe hiS tEeth tO hOld tHE bOtTlePhotobucket..........

Thursday, May 07, 2009

TeSting 1...2...3

hAhA tOdAy juZt sAw have thiS fUnctiOn sO intEnd to tEsting 1..2...3

Chat online and in real-time with friends and family! Windows Live Messenger

eArly mOthEr's dAy gift...

thEse cArd wAs 欣怡 brOuGht bAck frOm hEr sChOol, sEe hEr hAnd wRiting.....


hApPy mOthEr's dAy

tO mY dEAreAst mUmMy "I Love You" form Xinyi....
hAhA mY dEAr Xinyi, iS "from" nOt form...kEep iT Up..

and shE alSo giVe mE a smAll "Letter"...

she eXplAin tO mE thAt thE piCtuRe aRe dADdy, mUmMy, zhEng xiAn & hErsElf...
thAnks 欣怡, mUmMy lOvE yOu & zhEng xiAn tOo...

and thiS wAs mY LiTtle Photobucket gAvE mE Photobucket
thE stOry iS bEcAuse hUbby wAs instAll sOmEthinGs on thiS cOmputEr but LiTtle Photobucket wAs itChy hand playing with the mouse & keyboard, So i faster remove the LCD panel's power cord to let him thought that is "OFF". whO knOws his hand was faster than mine and he push the keyboard away that drop on my fEet, so my tOe kena hit by the keyboard lor wOoaaOoo of course was pAinful and nUmb. After that i wEnt to knock the study room door while hubby inside preparing his conference call, told him settle his computer on the living room and what his son done on me. hUbby went to take the cane to scold LiTtle Photobucket, bUt LiTtle Photobucket show his crocodile's tears act blur....with thiS mARk hOw cAn i bAre mY tOes yAPhotobucket gUeSs whAt iS hiS "wEapOn"Photobucket

iS a....K..EY..B..OARD Photobucket

sEe frOm thE hiGh of thE "wEapOn" iS nOt so hiGh bUt thE impAct wAs qUite pOwErfUl....