sUndAy....stAy at hOmE mUm
hOw timEs filEs, todAy alrEady 22nd of mAr sUndAy. wE're nEver bAck tO sEnai bEcAuse dAdDy going tO fiShing. sO 3 of Us stAy at hOme & nOw i gOt frEe timE tO uPdAte thiS blOg.....
bAckdAte pOst...
21 fEb 09 sAtUrdAy
mUmMy: onE mOnth agO, hUbBy sEnt hiS cAr tO jUrong brAnd e sErvice cEnter fOr sErviCes. sO i hAve plAnNed bRing 政贤 tO kArEn‘s hOuse fOr visIting & pAsS hEr sOmethings, bEcAuse lAst yEAr kAndiCe 妹妹 fUllmOnth cElEbrAtion wE'rE nEvEr aTtend & bAck tO mAlaysia, sO iS firSt timE sEe kAndiCe 妹妹. 欣怡gOt tUitiOn clAss & tOdAy iS thE firSt dAy of clAsS thUs shE nEvEr fOlLow...
aftEr lEavE thE cAr at sErviCe cEnter, wE tOok bUs tO jUrOng pOint in thE mEantimE also sMs kArEn tOld hEr thAt wE will rEach e jUrOng pOint abOut hAlf & hRs timE, shE rEplied mE sAid aftEr shE bAth kAndiCe wiLl mEet Us at jUrOng pOint fOr brEakfAst...whilE inside thE nOn-air cOn bUs, 政贤 kEep shOw thE aCtion & sAid thAt "怕怕", bEcAuse thiS iS 政贤 firSt timE tAking bUs sinCe hE bOrn
arOund 9.15Am, finAlly wE sEe kAndiCe 妹妹 shE iS sO cUte wiTh piNk fAce..wE sEttle Our brEakfAst at bUrgEr kiNg, hUbBy plAn tO gO fOr 12pm~3pm 3hrs sEction 钓虾 bEcAuse thE sErviCe mAn tOld thAt hiS cAr will rEAdy aftEr 3pm. sinCe still eArly hE fOlLow Us tO 24hrs fAirPrice XprEss bUy sOme grOcEries & fiSh fOr 政贤's lUnch at kAren's hOuse thErefrOm hE gO fOr 3hrs sEction fiShing prAwn...aftEr wE mAke pAymEnt, hUbBy rEcEived a cAll frOm the sErviCe cEnter sAid thAt hiS cAr cAn cOlLect nOw... i aSked hUbBy whEthEr hE still interested tO gO fOr fiShing prAwn or chAnge hiS mind...wE're wAlk tO kArEn's hOuse arOund 10~15mins, hUbBy sAid aftEr cOllected hiS cAr thEn cOme tO fEtch uS bAck to yishUn as hE hAs chAnged hiS miNd......
kEep lOoking arOund....
whAt bus iS thIs why sO mUst nOise de
Still nEed hOw lOng jOurnEy tO rEach jUrOng pOint
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