a dAy oUt tO BishAn sWimming pOol......
欣怡: thiS mOrning wE wEnt tO bishAn sWimming pOol fOr ,
thiS eVent wAs OrgAnize by dAdDy's cOmpAny. mE & 弟弟 wEre rEalLy enjOys thErE
弟弟 wAs firSt timE , lOok at hiS hApPy fAce.
aftEr plAying a whilE dAdDy wAs brOught hIm up tO chAnge clOths bEcAuSe scAred hE fEel cOld bUt 弟弟 wAs rElUctAnt tO gO up & , sO thiS timE 弟弟 wAs nAked
dAdDy bOught mE a sWimMing flOat cOst SGD6.9 bUcks.....
0.45M hiGh wAter...
aftEr chAnge clOths, fEel hUngRy lOok fOr sOmEthinGs tO eAt.....
enjOys yUmMy yUmMy biScUits.....
yUmMy yUmMy iCe-crEam....
on oUr wAys tO grOcEriEs shopPing lOr..thiS timE wE whEn tO AMk hUb's e NTUC sUpErmArket
mE sEated insiDe thE pUshcArt, oh yA sEe mY nEw shOes niCe bO....
mUmMy: ActuAlly thiS shOes wAs kAren bOught fOr shErnise siZe 20cm frOm SMH, bUt tOo big fOr hEr, sO kArEn aSked mE whAt iS 欣怡 shOes siZe. sO i gO hOme mEasUre 欣怡's fEet wAs 19cm, hUrRAy!! mEans 欣怡 cAn wEar it, sO i bOught oVer fRom kArEn SGD20 bUcks. shE brOught thE shOes fOr mE lAst niGht, 欣怡 wAs vEry hApPy with hEr nEw shOes. whEn hEr dAdDy bAck hOme shE tOld hEr dAd thAt wAs Auntie kArEn bOught hEr de.....hAhA
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