姐姐 bEcOmE a rEd "Ang kU kUih"......
SinCe lAst wEek 姐姐 wEnt tO nUrsEry sChOol, thE nExt dAy mOrning hEr whOle bOdy apPeArs a pAtCh of rEd spOts on thE skin & cAn sEe its itChy bEcAuse 姐姐 alwAys scratch hEr bOdy. mAmA sUspEctEd thE sChOol wAs nOt cleAn, bEcAuse thE flOor jUst renOvatiOn tO wOoden flOor, nO tAble & chAir fOr thE firSt dAy sO thEy're all sat on thE flOor.....
sO mAmA brOught mE & 姐姐 tO sChOol on thAt dAy, mAmA aSked onE of thE tEachEr why 姐姐's skin cOmE oUt a pAtch of rEd spOts & itChy aftEr e schOol sEctiOn, thE tEachEr repliEd mAmA sAid mAybE thE cleAner AuNtiE wAs nEver cleAn pRopErly ......bUt mAmA's hOuse alSo dO pAintinG fOr thE whOle hOuse bEcAuse thE CNY iS cOming sOon, mUmMy alSo sUspEctEd thiS wAs onE of thE reAsOn thAt cAuse 姐姐 bEcOmE a rEd "Ang kU kUih"
on thAt niGht, mUmMy & dAdDy brOught 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt Dr Lam whiSh iS sAmE as my Doc. Dr Lam aftEr sAw 姐姐's skin sAid thEse are "风膜" & sAid hEr skin a bit sEnsitive , adViSed nOt tO bAth tOo hOt wAter it will cAuse mOrE 风膜. Doc givEn 2 medicine, 1 wAs fOr apply anOther wAs orAl dE. aftEr rEach hOme mUmMy fAstEr bAth 姐姐 agAin & aPply e mEdicine on 姐姐's whOle bOdy.....as usuAl 姐姐 wEnt tO schOol on thE nExt dAy, aftEr e trEatmEnt 姐姐's "风膜" wAs gOne....sO 姐姐 wAs stOpPed e medicine on sAturdAy on sUndAy niGht bEfOre dinNer timE, 姐姐 e 风膜 apPeArs agAin bUt nOt sO mUch arOund hEr stOmAch arEa. bUt mUmMy nEvEr brinG bAck e medicine fOr 姐姐, sO dAdDy sAid aftEr dinNer we're wEnt tO mAmA's hOuSe fOr thE mEdicine. On mOndAy, 姐姐 e 风膜 still thE sAme & mAmA aSked dAdDy bring 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt Doc agAin, dAdDy sAid lEt sEe tOmOrrOw gOt any improvE or nOt if still the sAme then cOnsUlt Doc agAin..bUt on thE nExt dAy 姐姐 e 风膜 nEvEr improvE & gEttinG mOre wOrse, sO dAdDy & mUmMy brOught 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt anOther Doc thiS timE, thE Doc alSo sAid 姐姐 wAs hAving 风膜 & given anOther typE orAl medicine. thE apply medicine wAs uSe bAck....
tOdAy 姐姐 wAs rEst at hOme nOt gOin tO schOol.....hAizzzz..hOpe 姐姐 fAstEr rEcOver
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