Shhhhh...姐姐wAs plAying hErsElf at thE cOrnEr thErE, wAit shE jeAloUs mE & toOk bAck hEr 太阳眼镜
Shhhhh...姐姐wAs plAying hErsElf at thE cOrnEr thErE, wAit shE jeAloUs mE & toOk bAck hEr 太阳眼镜
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Monday, January 28, 2008 0 comments
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 23, 2008 0 comments
Labels: *~* biRthdAy *~*
wAt hApPen tO 姐姐 agAin
shE jUst rEcOver frOm fEvEr nOw gOt diArRhEa
mUmMy : nO chOice, i gOt tO tAkE timE off thiS timE tO bring Xinyi sEe thE sAme Doc. agAin, shE aSked mE: mUmMy pleAse cArRy mE?? i repliEd: wE wAlk tO thE trAffic liGht thEn mUmMy cArRy yOu okie, shE ansWered mE okie. cArRy of 20kg wAlk tO clinic alrEady brEAthlEss & sOmE mOre gOt tO climb up abt 15 stEps of stAircAsE (oh dEAr dEAr, nExt timE if yOu wAnt tO siCk, plEAse chOose thE riGht timE Okie, dOn't chOose thE timE whEn yOur dAdDy wAs oUt stAtiOn
) reAch cliNic abt 8.20am, sAw nOt mUch pAtiEnt & thE qUeued nUmbEr wAs no.4, oUr nUmbEr wAs no.6. tOdAy wAs anOthEr Doc, Doc sAid wAs dUe tO "肠胃炎" sO cAuse diArRhEa & giVen prEvEnt frOm diArRhEa e mEdicinE. cOst SGD 5 bUcks tOdAy.....aftEr hAnd ovEr liTtle diAnO tO mOthEr-in-lAw, i fAstEr rUsh bAck tO offiCe. reAched office abt 9.40am. thiS 2 dAys wAs vEry tirEd & nOt enOugh
, mY liTtle piGgy alwAys gEt up cOugh & cRy in thE middle of niGht....hOpE mY 2 liTtle nAuGhty fAstEr rEcOver frOm siCk......
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Friday, January 18, 2008 0 comments
yEstErdAy aftErnOon, 姐姐 tOld mAmA thAt shE wAs stOmAch-ache bUt shE refUsed tO aPply 如意油. lAst niGht @ 9pm+, dUring milk timE 姐姐 wAs vOmitEd all hEr ate in dinNer alSo yElled thAt hEr stOmAch-ache agAin. sO mAmA wAs aPply 如意油 fOr 姐姐 thEn gO tO bEd & slEep...
thiS mOrning, whEn mUmMy wAs prEpAred tO gO fOr wOrk, mAmA tOld mUmMy thAt 姐姐 wAs hAvinG fEvEr wAs 39+ deGree. mEasUre hEr eArs wAs hiGh tEmperAtUre fEvEr, sO mUmMy wAs tOok hALf dAy lEave tO briNg 姐姐 sEe Doc. aFtEr brEakfAst, mUmMy wAs cArRy 姐姐 all thE wAy tO SBW Mrt e GrEenLifE cliNic. rEach thErE wAs 8.35am bUt thE nUmber wAs No.13.....wAit fOr 45minS thEn iS 姐姐's tUrn, Doc sAid 姐姐 wAs 肠胃炎 & hiGh tEmperAtUre fEvEr, aSked mUmMy wAnt tO insErt 放屁股的药 fOr fAstEr rEdUced e fEvEr, mUmMy agrEed. tOtAl Doc giVe 4 typE of mEdiCine: fEvEr, cOugh, vOmit & anti-wind cOst SGD 32 bUcks.....aftEr rEach hOme thEn rEalise thAt fOrgOt tO aSk fOr MC sUmMit tO thE schOol...
mUmMy : bEfOre i wEnt bAck tO wOrk, i wEnt tO Sun plAza e OCBC bAnk fOr chAnginG nEw nOtEs it stArtEd tOdAy. i rEach thEre wAs timE 10.29am, thE bAnk hAvEn't opEn yEt bUt thE quEued wAs qUite lOng wAs abOut 30 pEoPle infrOnt of mE. thOught of mUst bE quEue at leAse onE hOur then iS my tUrn bUt it wAsn't, bEfOre 11Am i cAn stEp oUt of thE bAnk le (wEnt bAck tO thE clinic aSked fOr MC).....tOtAl i chAnge $600 nEw nOtes, eAch pErsOn cAn only chAnge $2 fOr $400.....
thiS iS thEir 红包封套, inSide hAve <$2 x 100 = $200> + <$10 x 20 = $200> tOtAl iS $400, anOthEr <$2 x 100 = $200> fOr mY mOthEr-iN-lAw, as a tOkEn thAt shE hElp mE tAKe cAre of mY 2 liTtle nAuGhty whilE i wOrked on sAtUrdAy mOthEr......
thiS rEd pAckEt iS alSo inSide tHe 红包封套..
thiS iS mOthEr-iN-lAw bOught fOr xinyi's biRthdAy gift...
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Thursday, January 17, 2008 0 comments
mUmMy: ..zhEng xiAn bEcOme a smAll LizArd le, lAst two dAys hE alrdy stArtEd cOugh bUt thE sOund wAs cleAr no phlEgm....bUt todAy whEn he cOugh hiS thrOat gOt phlEgm & cOugh bAdly, sO i wAs dEcide tO briNg him sEe dOc aftEr wOrk....
9pm ~ hUbby wAs oUt stAtiOn agAin, sO only i brOught zhEng xiAn tO sEe dOc, bEfOre wEnt oUt zhEng xiAn wAs pOo pOo. reAch e clinic at 7.30pm, sAw nOt mUch pEople i thOught i wAs lUcky, aftEr rEgiSter at cOuntEr thE stAff tOld mE Dr Lam wAs nOt in tOdAy iS a 代替医生, tOld mE wAs thE nExt nUmbEr. mY fAcE lOok siAn liAo ...tOld Doc zhEng xiAn cOugh & gOt phlEgm & kEpt crying while drink milk & nEvEr finiShed his milk, hE rEplied mE did chEck thE nipPle whEthEr gOt stUck or nOt. i anSwEred him yEs did chEck bUt nO stUck, thEn he aSked mE put him liE dOwn on thE bEd, he uSed a stiCk tO pUt on hiS tOugue fOr chEck his thrOat, sAid zhEng xiAn's thrOat gOt a litTle bit rEd nOt sO seriOus sO only givE cOugh mEdicinE...hAiZzz CNY sOon le, hOpe zhEng xiAn rEcOver sOon.
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 16, 2008 0 comments
thiS iS 弟弟的 nEw wAlkEr, thE old wAnt wAs spOilt sO dAdDy bOught thiS fOr him. bEcAuse 弟弟 cAnnOt alwAys bE cArRy, mUst sEat in wAlkEr thEn mUmMy & dAdDy cAn dO thinGs at hOme likE cOok my mEal & whilE thEy're eAting bEcAuse nOw 弟弟's hAnd aCt likE oCtOpus le ........
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 0 comments
mUmMy ~ SinCe prEgnAnt my sEcOnd bAby, i had bEen lOng timE nEvEr dO any pEdicUre & nAils pOlish le bEcAuse scAred of thE smEll tOo strOng will efFect bAby. lAst niGht i hAd dOne mY firSt nAils pOlish aftEr bAn of onE & hAlf yEars.....lOok at mY D.I.Y aRt wOrks....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 0 comments
SinCe lAst wEek 姐姐 wEnt tO nUrsEry sChOol, thE nExt dAy mOrning hEr whOle bOdy apPeArs a pAtCh of rEd spOts on thE skin & cAn sEe its itChy bEcAuse 姐姐 alwAys scratch hEr bOdy. mAmA sUspEctEd thE sChOol wAs nOt cleAn, bEcAuse thE flOor jUst renOvatiOn tO wOoden flOor, nO tAble & chAir fOr thE firSt dAy sO thEy're all sat on thE flOor.....
sO mAmA brOught mE & 姐姐 tO sChOol on thAt dAy, mAmA aSked onE of thE tEachEr why 姐姐's skin cOmE oUt a pAtch of rEd spOts & itChy aftEr e schOol sEctiOn, thE tEachEr repliEd mAmA sAid mAybE thE cleAner AuNtiE wAs nEver cleAn pRopErly ......bUt mAmA's hOuse alSo dO pAintinG fOr thE whOle hOuse bEcAuse thE CNY iS cOming sOon, mUmMy alSo sUspEctEd thiS wAs onE of thE reAsOn thAt cAuse 姐姐 bEcOmE a rEd "Ang kU kUih"
on thAt niGht, mUmMy & dAdDy brOught 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt Dr Lam whiSh iS sAmE as my Doc. Dr Lam aftEr sAw 姐姐's skin sAid thEse are "风膜" & sAid hEr skin a bit sEnsitive , adViSed nOt tO bAth tOo hOt wAter it will cAuse mOrE 风膜. Doc givEn 2 medicine, 1 wAs fOr apply anOther wAs orAl dE. aftEr rEach hOme mUmMy fAstEr bAth 姐姐 agAin & aPply e mEdicine on 姐姐's whOle bOdy.....as usuAl 姐姐 wEnt tO schOol on thE nExt dAy, aftEr e trEatmEnt 姐姐's "风膜" wAs gOne....sO 姐姐 wAs stOpPed e medicine on sAturdAy on sUndAy niGht bEfOre dinNer timE, 姐姐 e 风膜 apPeArs agAin bUt nOt sO mUch arOund hEr stOmAch arEa. bUt mUmMy nEvEr brinG bAck e medicine fOr 姐姐, sO dAdDy sAid aftEr dinNer we're wEnt tO mAmA's hOuSe fOr thE mEdicine. On mOndAy, 姐姐 e 风膜 still thE sAme & mAmA aSked dAdDy bring 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt Doc agAin, dAdDy sAid lEt sEe tOmOrrOw gOt any improvE or nOt if still the sAme then cOnsUlt Doc agAin..bUt on thE nExt dAy 姐姐 e 风膜 nEvEr improvE & gEttinG mOre wOrse, sO dAdDy & mUmMy brOught 姐姐 tO cOnsUlt anOther Doc thiS timE, thE Doc alSo sAid 姐姐 wAs hAving 风膜 & given anOther typE orAl medicine. thE apply medicine wAs uSe bAck....
tOdAy 姐姐 wAs rEst at hOme nOt gOin tO schOol.....hAizzzz..hOpe 姐姐 fAstEr rEcOver
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 0 comments
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: zhEng xiAn's MileStOnEs
tOdAy iS my firSt dAy tO nUrsEry, mUmMy nEed tO wOrk sO only dAdDy tOok lEave accOmpAny mE tO schOol, mAmA & 弟弟 alSo accOmpAny. thE firSt 3dAys only nEed tO attEnd 1 & a hAlf hrs frOm 12.45pm until 2.15pm. mUmMy sAid shE will tOok lEavE on tOmOrrOw......
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, January 02, 2008 0 comments