a Gift fRom dAdDy.....
hUrrAy!!!! dAdDy wAs bAck hOmE le. dAdDy bought me 3 nice T-shirts(left at mAmA's hoUse sO nO phOtO tO shOw bUt will uplOad lAtEr) & one NEMO wAtEr botTle, dAdDy also bOught mUmMy a pErfumE cOSt USD97 bUcks hihi mUmMy didn't knOw thAt this brAnd wAs so expEnsiVe, whEn dAdDy aSked mUmMy whAt brAnd of perfume she wOuld like tO bUy sO shE juSt sAid 'Chanel Allure'. bEcAuse iS a prOmiSed thAt whEn dAdDy wAs awAy tO ovErsEas, mUmMy nEed tO tAkE cArE of thE
+ plAnt + bOth of Us. sO thE pErfUme iS a tOkEn frOm dAdDy, whEn bACk hOme dAdDy sAid mUmMy '趁火打劫', mUmMy replied dAdDy sAid: yOu thOught iS eAsy tO rUsh Up & dOWn aftEr wOrk tO Yishun thEn SBW hUh?? minUs out e bUs fAres & tAxi fAres & sErviCes chArge = tO onE pErfUme lOr. vEry
tO hUbby, I likE thiS pErfUme vEry mUch). bUt dAdDy nEver bUy any gift fOr 弟弟。。。。On 14 Oct sUndAy mOrning, dAdDy nEed tO fly agAin, thiS timE is tO VietnAm ~ Ho Chi Minh City fOr onE wEek alSo. sO mUmMy sAid thiS pErfUme wAs '得来不易'的。。。。。
iS NEMO...
bElOw e cOmpArtmEnt gOt chOcAlate dE
brAnd nAME ~ 'CHANEL' Allure sEnsUeLle
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