bUmBo chAir on triAl....
lAst sAtuRdAy, mUmMy wAnt to tAke 弟弟的 pAsSpOrt phOto with white bAckgrOund, sO lEt 弟弟sEat on bUmbo chAir (mUmMy bOught frOm SMH BP priCe 63.90 bUcks). yOu sEe hiS hEad will bEnd fOrwArd ....mUmMy uSe APPLES (Application for Passport On-line Electronic System) apply fOr 弟弟的 pAsSpOrt, nEed 2weeks timE tO pRocess if phOto is apProved.....hUrRay
wE cAn gO 外婆家 sOon...