mUmMy: 我的小小猪
怡贤: tOdAy iS fRidAy, bOth of oUr pArEnts are tOok lEave & nOt woRking. sO thEy brOught uS tO eAst cOast bEach fOr bUildIng thE sAndcAstle, wE gEt reAdy fOr oUr sWimming cOstumE bUt thE wAtEr qUite diRty sO only bUilding thE sAndcAstle....
with dAdDy hElping hAnds..
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
mUmMy: siNce wE still hAve cOmplimEntAry mOvie tiCkets fOr 2, sO wE dEcided tO wAtch thIs shOw at BishAn "GV" at 3.20pm. wE rEachEd thEre 2pm+ & mAybe iS still schOol hOlidAy sO qUite a lOt of pEople wAtching thiS mOvie, whEn iS oUr tUrn to bUy tiCkEts thE sAles giRl tOld uS fOr 3.20pm shOw only left thE sEcond rOlls frOm thE scrEen whiCh iS B11 & 12..OPzZ if nOt gOt tO wAit until 4.50pm bEcAuse thiS shOw iS abOut 150mins(2 and a hAlf hRs), sO wE bRought thE tiCkEts lor sEating B11 & 12...aftEr thE shOw gOt tO sAid 赞!!! 直得欣赏
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Friday, June 26, 2009 0 comments
Labels: oUting
mUmMy: tOdAy iS 21st of jUn, 2 spEciAL occAsiOns fAll in oNe dAy. firSt iS fAthEr's dAy, wiSh aLl of yOu
hApPy fAthEr's dAy
,eSpEciAlly fOr mY dAd...wiSh mY dAd 身体健康。。。要加油喔!! wE're lOvE yOu vEry mUch eXcEpt sOmEone......& a vEry BIG thAnks fOr mY yOungEr sIstEr &....mUm eVerydAys tAke cAre of oUr dAd...
sEcOnd iS hUbBy's biRthdAy....wiSh hIm
hApPy biRthdAy & fAthEr's dAy
As usUal, eArly mOrning wE're bAck tO mAlaysia fOr viSiting mY pArEnts aNd aLso wEnt tO pArEnts in lAw thEre fOr diNner.... whAt hApPen to thiS phOto
thiS wAs thE sEcond timE i cOme acrOss thiS prOblEm whEn i uplOad phOto frOm blOgger no mAttEr hOw i rEduce the phOto sizEs. dOes anyOne hErE alSo cOme acrOss thiS prOblEm cAn shAre with mE thE sOlutiOns
thAnks in aDvAnce....
sO i gOt to up lOad thE phOto frOm phOtobUcket thEn cOpy tO hEre, trOublesOme riGht
thiS chEese cAke bOught frOm bAkErZin aNd hAving a 50% oFf till eNd of jUn...i chOose thE 18" whiCh iS thE smAlL siZe sO the priCe aftEr gSt is sgd 20.85 bUcks, thE chEese iS nOt bAd but i dOn't likE thE tOpPing qUite sWeEts....whEn i pAtrOniZe thiS bAkErZin lOcAted at nOrth pOint, in thEir shOwcAse aLl thEse chEese cAke wRitTen 'hApPy fAthEr's dAy. sO i aSked thE sAles giRl whEthEr cAn wRite hApPy biRthdAy & fAthEr's dAy, thE sAles giRl aNswEr mE unlEss i chOose the biGger wAn thEn cAn wRite bOth woRding thAt i wAnt bUt i fEel thAt iS tOo big le sO i stAnd thEre fOr a liTtle whilE tO think of bIg or smAll ..thE sAles giRl sAw mE cAn't deCide sO oFfer mE sAid shE chEck with thE chiEf sEe whEthEr cAn wRite hApPy biRthdAy & fAthEr's dAy. afTer a whilE shE sAid thAt thE chiEf cAn dO it..
thAnks fOr hEr..
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Sunday, June 21, 2009 0 comments
Labels: *~* biRthdAy *~*
政贤: 最近的天气实在很热,而且每天冲好凉后没多久就满头大汗了....sO mUmMy 带我去剪头发咯...
帮我剪头发的是一位mAlAy Uncle...
bEfOre hAir cUt....
Uncle, 小心我的耳朵喔。。。
da da..da..da.....原来圆的真的不能拿喔。。。。看我的新发型漂靓吗
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Sunday, June 14, 2009 0 comments
Labels: hAir cUt