Monday, September 21, 2009

ChAngi bEAch pArk...

mUmMy: tOdAy iS hAri rAya hOlidAy, sO wE dEcided tO gO chAngi beAch pArk 野餐 with mY pArents in lAw and Sindy. mY Mil pRepAred fRy bEe hOon, and some snAcks thEre. wE reAlly eNjoys thEre bEcAuse the beAch qUite cleAn cOmpAre SBW pArk & eAst cOast...wE reAched thEre arOund 9Am+ and leAve arOund 12pm+. aftEr thAt wE go yishUn bLk 925 eAt the fAmous ChickEn riCe....

我的小和尚 eNjOys plAying sAnd himsElf...

欣怡alSO enjoyS sWmmings...

hUbBy iS fiShing...

Oh whAt iS thiS??

SIA fliGht....


hi dAdA..dAdA......小和尚在开葡萄干吃哟。


当他们四个在一起的时侯就会变成“东邪西毒“, 个有个的“好“喔...


Wednesday, September 09, 2009


tOdAy iS 09 09 09 very nice number and also is mY LitTle Photobucket 26mthS oLd le..hOw timEs filE ya....

hApPy 26
mOnthS Old

Saturday, September 05, 2009


mUmMy: lAst wEek whEn we are at my mOthEr's hOuse, i dEcided tO uSe 骗, 哄, 逼.....欣怡 cUt hEr lOng hAir tO shOrt, after kEep abOut 3yEArs+ lOng hAir, sO bAd of mE bUt no chOice 谁叫她不喜欢绑头....bUt she didn't cry at all while cUtting her hAir and aftErya ya....iS only RM $5, so cheAp riGht.

bEfOre hAir cUt...

Photobucket sUrpRise....lOok niCe riGhthi

thiS mOrning we gO chOng pAng eAt brEakfAst...

Friday, August 14, 2009


mUmMy: On 2009年八月十日凌晨, my younger sis received a called from my younger bro said that my father was breath difficult and always came out cold sweat, after hang on the phone my sis wake me up (as i was stay over night because is sgp holiday) then faster change our cloths rush to my mother's house. After we reached a while, also called our 大姐, 大姐夫 and 二姐, then my fAther was 安祥的逝世了....

To mY dEarEst dAd:

my dearest dAd...

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

typhOon mOrAkot....

mUmMy: hubBy sUpPose to be fly back yEsterdAy niGht timE and at hOme tOdAy, bUt dUe to tAiwAn gOt typhOon mOrAkot since thUrsdAy, so his flight wAs cAncel and chAnge to tOdAy aftErnOon 3.45pm reAch Singapore abOut 8.10pm....

and jUst nOw 1.30pm+ received his cAlled frOm tAipEi AirpOrt confiRm thAt thE timing and he alrEady chEck in.....althOugh iS cOnfirm cAn fly bAck bUt alSo qUite wOrried thE typhOon mOrAkot hAve any chAnges tSk tSk tSk....prAy hArd thAt the fliGht sAfety reAch SIN, sO lAter i wIll bRing my tWo liTtle dinO to chAngi airpOrt fEtCh thEir dAdDy bAck hOme.....
sEe yOu lAter dAdDy..wE're all miSses yOu vEry mUch.Photobucket

thE Singaporeairlines Flight Status:

Chosen Flight Status
07th August 2009 - Friday

Flight Number Departure From Time Arrival In Time Aircraft
SQ877 Taipei (TPE) 13:29 Singapore (SIN) 17:54 (+1) (B777-200)

SQ879 Taipei (TPE) 15:45 Singapore (SIN) 20:10 (+1) (B777-200)

<< Back All timings shown are local times

Symbols for arrival/departure times
+1 = Arrival Next Day
+2 = Arrival 2 Days Later
-1 = Departure Previous Day
-2 = Departure 2 Days Before

Schedules are subject to change without prior notice. Flights shown do not necessarily represent all possible and additional flights available. Please contact the nearest Singapore Airlines office or your travel agent for updates.

Please note that flight status information will only be available 48 hours before the flight departure/arrival date.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Taiwan braces for Typhoon Morakot:

"Taiwan braces for Typhoon Morakot

Typhoon Morakot is due to pass over Taiwan's heavily populated north
Taiwan has closed schools and offices and cancelled flights as the strongest typhoon of the year nears the island.
Typhoon Morakot is expected to pass directly over the capital, Taipei, with winds of about 145km/h (90mph) and heavy rainfall, meteorologists said.
Landslides and power outages have been reported in the north of the island.
Thousands of people have already been evacuated from their homes in China, where Morakot is expected to make landfall on Saturday.
Text message warning
Millions of people living in the north of Taiwan are sheltering in their homes, awaiting the arrival of Morakot.
All domestic flights and many international flights have been cancelled, service on the island's high-speed railroad has been suspended and seaports have been closed due to the high winds. Gusts have reached up to 180km/h (112mph).
Nearly 50cm (20 inches) of rain has already fallen in some mountainous areas. Some minor landslides have been reported in the north of the island and power has been cut to about 25,000 households.

High waves have been lashing Taiwan
Taiwan's weather bureau has said the impact of the typhoon could be prolonged as it is moving slowly.
On the mainland of China, state media said that more than 20,000 people had been evacuated from their homes in Fujian province.
The provincial government has sent more than 8m mobile phone text messages to residents warning them of the typhoon's approach, the Chinese state news agency reports.
Fishing vessels and other boats have been ordered to take shelter in ports.
The storm's impact has been felt far to the north and south of its track."

sEe dOctOr...

mUmMy: thiS mOrning i tOok hAlf dAy lEave brOught 政贤 to khAtib Nee sOon clinic to sEe dOctOr, bEcAuSe his fEvEr still on aNd off nOt recOver yEt, aNd alSo stArt cOughing, a liTtle bIt rUnning nOSe le, OpzZz thE symptOms lOok like H1N1 Photobucket.....reAched there around 8.20Am, thE clinic haven't opEn wAit anOther 10mis thEn thE stAff opEn the dOor, 政贤 is number 2 to register and the 1st patient wAs only take medicine no need to see doctor sO 政贤 is the first patient to go in...wE wAit for about 40mins then the doctor cAme in, after consUlt thE doctor, doctor said 政贤 is 轻微感冒, gOt to eAt Anti-biOtic...lUcky hE never mention about H1N1........

while wAiting the doctor.....

mY LitTlePhotobucket stArt his itchy hAnd and lEgs liao...

iS he lOok like siCk pErson Photobucket

Monday, August 03, 2009


mUmMy: mY LitTlePhotobucket's tEmperAture still nOt recOver, aNd hUbBy thiS eArly mOrning fly tO tAiwAn trAiNing nEw pRodUcts fOr 1 wEek.....thiS 2 niGht i nEver hAve a gOod slEep aNd alSo fAll on my mEnses cAme tOday sO i dEciDed to tAke 1 dAy leAve fOr stAy at hOme mUm thEn i cAn hAve a nAp in thE aftErnOon....
bUt gUess whAtPhotobucket...mY blOck wAs uPgrAding, sO thE nOise sOund mAke mE cAn't hAve a gOod nAp Photobucket....

frOm oPposite blOck

tO oUr blOck

thEn jOint tOgEthEr with shEltEr....

Sunday, August 02, 2009

fEvEr aGain....

mUmMy: lAst niGht, 政贤 wAs hAve a tEmpEratUre agAin...sO nO chOice gOt to wAke him up fOr mEdicine, lUcky hE diDn't mAkE a fUss aNd jUst blUr blUr tO fiNish thE mEdicine..aNd i uSe somE ice-cUbE pUt on hiS fOrehEad, cOax him thAt hiS hEad iS hOt nOw so got tO lEt it cOld aNd hE nEvEr rEsiStPhotobucket...

siCk bOy sElf fEed himsElf.....

self feed...yUmmy yUmMy

yUmMy yUmMy

姐姐eat hEr fAvOurite bEe hOon....
my fAv bEe hOon