hApPy dEepAvAli.....
欣怡:tOdAy iS dEepAvAli hOlidAy & alSo iS mUmMy's biRthdAy,
wiSh mUmMy & hApPy dEepAvAli.....
欣怡:tOdAy iS dEepAvAli hOlidAy & alSo iS mUmMy's biRthdAy,
wiSh mUmMy & hApPy dEepAvAli.....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Monday, October 27, 2008 0 comments
Labels: *~* biRthdAy *~*, hOlidAy
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Friday, October 10, 2008 0 comments
Labels: zhEng xiAn's MileStOnEs
mUmMy: aftEr cAmE frOm zOo thAt niGht, 政贤 wAs hAving rUnNy nOse. whilE slEep iN thE miDdle of niGht, 政贤 wOke up bEcAuse of hiS nOse clOgGed, hE rEfUse tO slEep & nEed tO bE cUdDle, i rUb sOme of Vicks on hiS chEst hOpe it cAn hElp fOr rEliEf, mE & hUbBy diDn't slEpt wEll....yEstdAy aftErnOon abOut 1pm, schOol tEachEr cAlLed mY mOthEr-iN-lAw sAid thAt 欣怡 wAs hAving fEvEr & aSk mOthEr-iN-lAw tO briNg 欣怡 bAck.bOth of thEm gEtTing siCk, hAizZz rEgrEt tO lEt thEm plAy with thE wAtEr @ tHE zOo....niGhtmAre agAin la....
whEn hUbBy cArRy 政贤, 欣怡wAs jEAslOus..sO hUbBy gOt tO cArRy 2 LitTle nAuGhty...
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 0 comments
政贤:todAy aftEr my lUnch, dAdDy & mUmMy sAid wAnt tO briNg uS tO tHE zOo, 我和姐姐好开心喔,那里有的玩水。。。bEfOre wE'rE gO tO thE zOo, thEy'rE sEtTle thEir lUnch @ yiShun cEntre , dAdDy ordEred fAmOus ChickEn riCe yUmMy yUmMy.....whEn rEachEd alrEady 1.30pm le.
lOok at mY slEepy fAce....
vEry eNjOys ya
aftEr chAngEd clOths, i plAy with thE sWings
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Sunday, October 05, 2008 0 comments
Labels: oUting
mUmMy: thiS DorAemOn tOy wAs bOught by my Sis, shE bOught 3, cOst RM $6.9bUcks eAch, anOthErs 2 iS fOr fiOn & bEnsOn. whEn brOught hOme tO plAy only bEnsOn chOose thAt onE gOt liGht & sOng, thE othErs 2 wEre nO liGht & sOng. of cOurSe thEy wEre clAim thAt thE gOod one iS bElOng tO hiS or hEr. at firSt wAs thOught of bAtTery prOblEm bUt aftEr exchAnge bAtTery fOr tEsting wAs still thE sAme. sO i brOught tO office opEn up & chEck, mY cOlleAgUe tOld me thAt iS thE wirE prOblEm aftEr fiXed iS wOrk.........
mY LitTle , fUll of curiOusly..
bUt the sOng iS nOt DorAemOn's sOng....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, October 01, 2008 0 comments
欣怡:tOmOrrOw iS grAndmOther's biRthdAy bUt wE're cElEbrA grAndmOther's biRthdAy tOniGht bEcAuse tOdAy iS hOlidAy....sO wE're wEnt tO yiO chU kAng mRt thE sAkUrA shUsi bUffEt fOr dinNer, yUmMy yUmMy..fOr AdUlt iS $24, 12 yEars & bElow iS $12.9 & bEloW 0.9m wAs fREE bUt mY hEigh iS 1.05m, hAhA 二伯母 tOld thE cAshiEr thAt i only 4 yEArs Old & eAt nOt mUch sO fOr mE iS fREE.....tOniGht wAs mAny peOple hAving thEir dinNer hEre, errm thE fOod sO sO niA & nOt mUch chOice.....
wAtTing fOr mY fOod....
gO hOme lor....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, October 01, 2008 0 comments
欣怡:tOdAy iS hAri rAyA Aidilfitri , iS a hOlidAy & alSo iS ChildrEn dAy. sO dAdDy & mUmMy nO nEed tO wOrk & mE alSo nO schOol, hUrRay!! dAdDy brOught uS tO North pOint M'dOnAld fOr brEAkfAst...yUmMy yUmMy.....
aftEr oUr brEakfAst, mUmMy mEt up kArEn Auntie @ hEr mUm plAce bEcAuse wAnt tO pAss hEr sOmEthings, wE're stAy fOr a while & plAy tOys with SherniSe 妹妹..wE lEft hEr mUm plAce abOut 11Am, dAdDy driVe uS tO nEar by AquAriUm @ Blk 618 tO bUy wAter plAnt & smAll prAwn, aftEr thAt thEn tO chOng pAng mArkEt bUy fiSh tO cOok fOr oUr lUnch, lUcky still cAn bUy sOmE fiSh...
lOok at mY fUnNy fAce....
政贤:wAtTing fOr mY yUmMy hOtcAke....
rEady tO eAt lor....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, October 01, 2008 0 comments
Labels: hOlidAy