Monday, September 22, 2008


欣怡:lAst sAturdAy mOrning wE're wEnt bAck tO 外婆家, in thE aftErnOon 小阿姨 driVe uS tO 五福城 fOr shOpPing...hihi thEy're tOtAl spEnt abOut RM300+...wOoaOoooooO pOckEt gOt a bIg hOle lE.....nExt mOnth wE will cOme tO thiS plAce agAin bEcAuse mUmMy's cOlleAgUe mArRied & invited uS tO 五福北京城 fOr wEdDing dinNer.....

mE with miCkey mOuse...

whO iS thiS bOy??

slEepy fAce la...

thiS 2 puShcArt's thiNgs cOst abOut RM300 bUcks....

mUmMy : OpZz...thE 2 blAck bAgs cOst RM180 bUcks hihi iS mE & mY Sis's clOths....

Sunday, September 14, 2008

hApPy lAntErn fEstiVaL........

欣怡: thiS Lantern wAs tEacher tEach mE dO de, niCe mA? only cAn diSplAy cAnNot pUt in cAndLe if not wIll gEt firE..

oPzz, iS grEen tEa pAckAge drink....

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

hApPy 14th mOnths Old.....

sEe mY LitTle Photobucket plAying with the sEesAw.......

Sunday, September 07, 2008

fArm mArt agAin...........

yeStErdAy 大阿姨, 小阿姨, fiOn表姐和bEnsOn表弟cAme tO oUr hOuse, bOught 6pCs of mOoncAke hErE, mUmMy sAid 4 pcs iS fOr Ah mA thE rEst iS fOr uS. lAst niGht, dAdDy firSt triAl cOokEd pEpPer crAbs fOr thEm tO eAt, thEy'rE sAid yUmMy yUmMy. tOtAl 4pCs of biG crAbs finishEd bY 大阿姨, 小阿姨, fiOn表姐, dAdDy & mUmMylol....

tOdAy aftEr oUr brEakfAst, wE're tOtAl 8 pErsOn sEated 小阿姨's cAr tO fArm mArt tO sEe Uncle gOat lor.

bEnsOn表弟 hAve liTtle bit scAred of Uncle gOat, iS thE firSt timE hE cAme hEre.

hE rEady tO fEed Uncle gOat..

fiOn表姐和bEnsOn表弟 loOk at Uncle gOat, bOth of thEm dAre nOt tO stAnd nEar of Uncle gAot..

cOme i shOw yOu're hOw tO fEed Uncle gOat..dOn't wOrRy, Uncle gOat wOn't bite yOu, hE only wAnt tO eAt thE vEgEtAble...

yEs iS likE thiS, bEnsOn表弟 chOose thE blAck Uncle gOat..

thiS iS brOwn Uncle gOat....

fEf rAbBit eAt bAby cOrn...

rAbbit rAbBit in thE cAge, yOu wAnt tO eAt bAby cOrn or cArRotPhotobucket

fFed tHe fiSh...bEnsOn表弟 thinking of whiCh wAnt tO givE..

sEe sO mAny hUnGry cAt fiSh...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

slOwy wAlk.....

政贤: finAlly, i cAn wAlk withOut any sUpPort...dAdDy & mUmMy sAid mE wAs dOne a gOod jOb, bUt mUst prActiCe mOre cAnNot bE lAzy thEn cAn wAlk stEAdy bOom bi biPhotobucket