欣怡:lAst sAturdAy mOrning wE're wEnt bAck tO 外婆家, in thE aftErnOon 小阿姨 driVe uS tO 五福城 fOr shOpPing...hihi thEy're tOtAl spEnt abOut RM300+...wOoaOoooooO pOckEt gOt a bIg hOle lE.....nExt mOnth wE will cOme tO thiS plAce agAin bEcAuse mUmMy's cOlleAgUe mArRied & invited uS tO 五福北京城 fOr wEdDing dinNer.....
mE with miCkey mOuse...
whO iS thiS bOy??
slEepy fAce la...
thiS 2 puShcArt's thiNgs cOst abOut RM300 bUcks....
mUmMy : OpZz...thE 2 blAck bAgs cOst RM180 bUcks hihi iS mE & mY Sis's clOths....