Sunday, July 20, 2008


iS dUriAn(品种101), gUeSs whO's hAnd iS thiS??

thEsE dUriAn wAs rEAlly yUmMy, eVen thE wOrm alSo wAnt tO hAvE a bitE..

mOsqUitO bitE......

mUmMy: lAst fridAy mY LiTtle Photobucket kEnA mOsqUitE bitE on hiS chEek & hEad. thiS iS thE fiRst timE hE kEnA mOsqUitO bitE, & thEsE bitE wAs vEry biG & sWolLen until rUnNing sOrE aRrrGhhhhh....i hAtE thE mOsqUitE..

thiS phOtO wAs tAkEn yEstErdAy whEn wE're stUck @ wOodlAnds cUstOm, aiyO...wE oUt frOm yiShun abt 8Am, rEAch mY mUm's hOuse alrEAdy 11Am....hAizzZzzz rEAlLy a biG jAm....

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

hApPy 1st biRthdAy tO mY LiTtle mAn...

mUmMy: hOw timEs filEs, 政贤 nOw iS 1 yEAr Old lE. hE gEtTing mOrE & mOrE eNerGy & crAwlinG tO eXplOre aLl ovEr plAcEs of thE hOuSe & sUpEr itChy hAnd. likE tO plAy with thE fAn & strOllEr's whEel

thiS cAkE wAs ordEred frOm Ecreative....nicE tO eAt & nOt tOo swEet..iS aBt 1.7kg cOst SGD70 bUckS, dOrA iS 欣怡 fAvOuritE.

4 of Us = *~* 文蕙怡贤 *~*

pArEnts-iN-lAws, 二嫂, 均乐 & 均伟, 还有俩个可爱宝贝.

biRthdAy Photobucket with pArEnts-iN-lAws..

sEe whAt iS mY LiTtle Photobucket dOinG Photobucket

Monday, July 07, 2008


tOdAy mE & hUbBy wErE tOok urgEnt leAve brinG 欣怡 tO KKH hOspitAl EmErgEncy childrEn clinic. bEcAuse hEr fEvEr oN & off siNce lAst tUesdAy aftEr sChOol, sEen 2 GP & thE antibiOtic hAd finiShed bUt hEr fEvEr nEvEr rEcOvEr. sO brOught hEr tO KKH fOr blOod & urinE tEst & x-rAy, thiS firSt 2 tEst wErE Ok, bUt thE x-rAy tOld thAt shE hAs 轻微 PNEUMONIA AkA 肺炎 dUe tO hEr cOugh & phlEgm. sO dOctOr sAid wiLl bE givEn anOthEr typE of antibiOtic fOr 1 wEek, sO aftEr tAkEn thiS antibiOtic fOr 3dAys shOuldn't hAvE fEvEr agAin, if pErsiSt mUst cOmE bAck immEdiAtEly. dOctOr wAs givEn anOthEr 3 dAys MC. Photobucket gOt tO tAkE one mOrE wEek thE antibiOtic, sAw hEr gOt tO eAt sO mAny mEdicinEs rEAlLy fEel hEArt pAin.

sEe 欣怡's siCk fAcE.....

riGht cEntEr finGer pAste plAstEr....

lAtEst uPdAte ~ hUbBy wAs infEcted by 欣怡, sEen GP jUst nOw & givEn 2 dAys MC. hOpE bOth of thEm getwellsoon

thiS aftErnOon, i aSked 欣怡 tO gO sUn plAzA with mE chOose fOr hEr brOthEr's biRthdAy gift, & i prOmiSe hEr will bUy 1 fOr hEr tOo. iN thE eNd wAit untIl hEr fAthEr cAmE bAck frOm wOrks thEn we gO tO bUy.......

As prOmiSe, 欣怡 chOose thiS fOr hErsElf SGD49.9 bUcks, iS hEr fAvOuritE nOwadAys ~ DorA

thiS wAlkEr iS fOr LiTtle Photobucket lEArn tO wAlk...SGD29.9 bUcks, chEapEr thAn hiS siStEr..

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

uPper cEntrAl IncisOr.....

mUmMy: mY LiTtle Photobucket thE 4th tOoth cAmE oUt wAs uPper cEntrAl IncisOr