Sunday, May 25, 2008

tillAndsiA biOtopE ~ mAy 2008 wiNner

mUmMy: tOdAy i rEcEivEd a e-mAil from tillAndsiA biOtopE, sAid thAt:

Hi MiChElLe, Congratulations! You are the winner for May 2008 in our monthly Guess the Plant and Win! Contest.

Prize:~ Tillandsia xerographica ~

Please claim your prize by 21 June 2008. Prize not claimed by the due date will be forfeited.
Please SMS or Call Brian at xxxxxxx to arrange for the collection of your prize. Thank you.
Best regards

Tillandsia Biotope
e-Coupon: 8988-9690-8681-5533

hUrRayPhotobucket of cOurse i wAs hApPy. i sms Brian & hE sAid thAt tOdAy hE wAs at khAtib blk 841 flEa mArkEt hAving sAles & cAn cOlLect frOm thEre, sO i askEd hUbby driVer mE tO cOllEct my priZe lOr.

mY tillAndsiA xErogrAphica...

Monday, May 19, 2008

vEsAk dAy.........

tOdAy iS vEsAk dAy, dAdDy & mUmMy aRe nOt wOrking. & wE're gOt tO go Uncle EdwArd's liTtle giRl fUllmOnths cElebrAtion on aftErnOon....

aftEr lUnch & chAnged clOths wAiting tO gO kAi kAi lor....

thiS cUp hAs nO wAtEr.....

mUmMy, cAn i hAve sOmE wAtEr plEase!!

mUmMy, WatEr plEasE!!!

mUmMy, whAt iS thiS hUhPhotobucket

oh...iS rUlEr hAr.....

thiS iS a mOusE riGhtPhotobucket.........

Sunday, May 18, 2008

2 dAy 1 niGht @ 外婆家

mUmMy: yEstErdAy mOrning, wE're oUt frm hOuSe arOund 8am bUt reAch 外婆家 wAs abOut 10.30am lE. bEcAuse of lOng wEekEnds sO thAt mAny cAr gO in m'siA & cAuSe thAt S'Pore cUstom jAm bAdly.....Arghh of cOurSe thE 2 nAuGhty mAkE nOise yA......

mY LiTtle PhotobucketplAying alOne wiTh thE wAtEr bOTtle.....

wiTh hiS siStEr & spidEr mAn??

iS bEnsOn 表哥 la.....

Friday, May 16, 2008

a BIG lizArd crAwling fAst......

mUmMy: Photobucket why diD mY LiTtle Photobucket crAwling sO fAstPhotobucket......bEcAuse hE hEArd fUnNy sOund frOm hiS siStEr thEre whilE shE wAs plAying thE cOmputEr gAmEs, sO hE crAwlEd tO diStUrb hiS siSterPhotobucket.....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

oNe dAy SAHM.......

mUmMy: I wAs tOok lEaVe tOdAy bEcAuse MIL wAnt tO prAy hEr mOthEr aka 欣怡 & 政贤's lAo mA mA..thE wEathEr nOt sO gOod, aftEr 欣怡 lUnch abt 10.30am 天突然Photobucket, 欣怡's clAss stArt at 11.15am eNd 2.15pm i hOpe it will stOp by thAt timE bUt arghhh.....nO chOicE gOt tO cArRy 政贤 & anOthEr hAnd hOld umbrElLa, hihi 政贤 alSO uSe his riGHt hAnd tO hOld thE umbrElLa. 欣怡 wAs wEAr rAin-cOat & cArRy umbrElLa.

MIL wAs bAck abt 11.30am, thE rAin on & off till fEtChEd 欣怡 bACk. thiS wEAthEr mAkE mE fEel lAzy tO gO oUt tO dO mY hAir-cUt & mEet kArEn, in thE eNd hAvE aftErnOon nAp with 欣怡 wOooahh thiS wAs mY oNe dAy SAHM lifE.

Monday, May 12, 2008

hApPy mOthEr's dAy.......

mUmMy: yEstErdAy, mY wiRelEss intErnEt bOArdbAnd dOwn fOr whOle dAy Photobucket. fEel uncOnfOrmAble whEn nO aCceSs tO intErnEt, aNywAy wiSh All mOthEr
*~* hApPy mOthEr's dAy *~*

M... is for the million things she gave me,
O... means only that she's growing old,
T... is for the tears she shed to save me,
H... is for her heart of purest gold;
E... is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
R... means right, and right she'll always be.
Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER"...
A word that means the world to me.
--Howard Johnson (c. 1915)

thiS lOvE hEArt wAs 欣怡 brOught bAck frOm schOol, whEn i rEAch hOme shE grEet mE hApPy mOthEr's dAy....of cOurSe i wAs hApPy Photobucket

Friday, May 09, 2008

pErfEct 10

mUmMy: hOw timEs filEs!! mY LiTtle piGgy Photobucket 10 mths Old la, 2 mOrE mthS tO tUrn 1 yEAr old.......

Thursday, May 01, 2008

TilLAndSia Air-plAnt hAs blOomEd_pArt 2

thiS Air-plAnt wAs thE wAn i bOught Aka Air-plAnt's mOthErPhotobucket..

1st gEnErAtiOn.....

sEcOnd gEnErAtiOn.......

3rd gEnErAtiOn.......

4th gEnErAtiOn.......

thiS nAmE cAll TilLAndSia bUlbOsA, itS mOthEr wAs deAth bUt still cAmE oUt tWins gEnErAtiOn....

thiS & bElOw thAt wAn wAs givEn by my fRiEnd, iS hE iNtrOdUce mE thiS TilLAndSia Air-plAnt & alrEAdy cOlLectEd mAny typE of TilLAndSia Air-plAnt lE.....Photobucket nOt sUre abt its nAme Photobucket

thiS wAs hUbBy's fiSh pOnd......


tOdAy iS 五一劳动节,dAdDy & mUmMy nO nEed to wOrk. lAte aftErnOon, dAdDy wAs brOught uS tO pAsir Ris bEach....