2 LiTtle nAughty.....
bEfOre gO tO schOol wAtch TV fiRst......
rEady tO schOol lor.....
lOvE thiS phOto....
i cAn stAnd uP by mysElf le...
bEfOre gO tO schOol wAtch TV fiRst......
rEady tO schOol lor.....
lOvE thiS phOto....
i cAn stAnd uP by mysElf le...
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Sunday, April 27, 2008 0 comments
mUmMy: thiS TilLAndSia Air-plAnt wAs bOught on onE yEAr agO bUt i fORgOt whAt its nAme....whEn bOught iS only 1, aftEr thAt wAs grOwN oUt mAny nEw gEnErAtiOn, blOomEd iS nOt thAt onE i bOught iS thE nEw gEnErAtiOn, rEAlly gOt tO thAnks fOr my hUbBy whO eVerydAy hElp mE wAteRing it
anyOne alSo intErEstEd mAny viSit thEir wEbsite TilLAndSia biOtOpe
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Thursday, April 24, 2008 0 comments
mUmMy: hOw time filEs...zhEng xiAn nOw alrEAdy 9 mths Old le & finAlly his lOwEr cEntrAl IncisOr iS stArting to cOmE oUt frOm hiS gUm..sEe bElOw e chArt whiCh iS hiGhLightEd....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, April 09, 2008 0 comments
Labels: tOoth, zhEng xiAn's MileStOnEs