Monday, February 25, 2008

hUrRay!!! 我学会坐了.....

Photobucket blUe cOlOur niCe...

or rEd cOlOur niCe hUhPhotobucket...

hAhA..think iS blUe cOlOur nicEr....

Photobucket dAdDy & mUmMy, 我学会坐了。。。

Sunday, February 24, 2008

my LiTtle piGgy......

mUmMy: yEstErdAy i wAs wOrking, sO hUbby wAs tOok cArE of 2 LiTtle nAuGhtyPhotobucket at hOme. hUbby sAid whEn hE wAs at thE kitchEn dOing sOmethings, sO pUt LiTtle piGgy sEat on thE wAlker. whEn hE tuRn bAck sAw LiTtle piGgy wAs plAying on thE chAIr......

sEe whAt did my LiTtle piGgy dOnE @ thE kitchEnPhotobucket

vEry lUcky thAt thE chAir nEvEr knOck hiS hEAd..


Photobucket whEre hE wAnt tO mOvE thE chAir tO Photobucket

Thursday, February 21, 2008


mUmMy: tOdAy iS 大年十五 ~ 元宵 aka 东方情人节.

wiSh eVeryOne

*~* 东方情人节快乐 *~*

sEAt at thE cOrnEr......

fiNding nEmO.......

hAlO mUmMy...

Sunday, February 17, 2008


thiS mOrning, dAdDy & mUmMy brOught uS tO McdOnAld fOr bReAkfAst. thiS iS thE sEcOnd timEs i gO tO McdOnAld, mE & 姐姐 shAre a sEt of hApPy mEal....hmmm yUmMy yumMy hOtcAke......

wAtTing fOr oUr hOtcAke....

hEy 姐姐, mUmMy sAid thE hOtcAkE wAs shAre with mE plEase dOn't finiSh it yA.......


oh dEAr....为什么姐姐嘟起咀巴了Photobucket


iS bAlloOn......

姐姐sAw her clAsSmAte seAting thEre.....

aftEr bReAkfAst, dAdDy brOught uS tO sAmbAwAng pArk..姐姐 wAs sO hAPPy bEcAuse shE cAn sWimMing le Photobucket

dAdDy & 姐姐.......

姐姐's lEft hAnds wAs hOlding a sEa shEll..

Photobucket A lEaky bUckEt.....

oo whAt iS 姐姐 dOingPhotobucket


sO rElax....

aftEr bATh hUngry liAo Photobucket.....

hmmmm...yUmMy yUmMy

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Photobucket Are wE lOol a likE Photobucket Photobucket