~ bUmpEr plAymAt ~
mUmMy : wAitiNg fOr nEarly 2mths e bUmpEr plAymAt from smAll smAll wOrld nOw fInAlly hAd rEcEived. At fiRst wAs ordered World mAp dEsign bUt wAiting fOr a mth timE thEn thE sUpplier said that wAs diScontinue by thE mAnufActUrer, sUpPlier sAid in order to compensate all of Us for the long wait and a disappointed result, thEy would like to offer Us a new design playmat that is more expensive at the same BP Price as what wE would be paying for the World Map.(bOth sides can be uSe)... bEfOre oRdered i wAs asked kAren's opinion is it wOrth it tO bUy, she said if the dEsign nice & i like it then is wOrth tO bUy it. bEcAuse she bought fOr Shernice pOoh bEar dEsign its only single side another side wAs not printed cArtOon. & thiS bUmper plAymAt also wAs a gift frOm my yoUngEr siStEr mANy tO hEr.
bUmpEr plAymAt pAckAgiNg....
yElLow bEar side 1
yElLow bEar side 2
cArE & mAintEnAnce.......