A dAy at fArm mArt...
tOdAy dAdDy bOught mE tO fArm mArt, mUmMy stAy at hOmE with 弟弟 bEcAuse wAs vEry tiRed. At niGht nEed tO be wAke uP fEed 弟弟 dRink miLk, sO mUmMy wAnt tO reSt at hOmE....
tOdAy dAdDy bOught mE tO fArm mArt, mUmMy stAy at hOmE with 弟弟 bEcAuse wAs vEry tiRed. At niGht nEed tO be wAke uP fEed 弟弟 dRink miLk, sO mUmMy wAnt tO reSt at hOmE....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Sunday, August 26, 2007 0 comments
thiS mOrning dAdDy & mUmMy bOught mE(政贤) tO pOlylinic dO blOod tEst. wE rEach thEre arOund 8.30am, the counter wAs nO ppl Queue, aftEr tAkE the Q nUmbEr~2120 mUmMy bOught mE tO anOthEr cOuntEr tO wAit fOr oUr nUmbEr cAlLed. aftEr thAt we go tO thE lAb 18 fOr blOod tEst le, whEn gO in the lAb the nurSe asked mUmMy am i one mth old alrEady, mUmMy anSwered: yEs alrEady one mth +. the nUrse aSked mUmMy wAit fOR a while thEn she go mAke a phOne cAll. aftEr finiShed her phOne cAll she came tO explAin to mUmMy bEcAuSe of mE alrEady one mth +, sO nEed tO be 抽多一点血 & sEnd tO hOspitAl fOr dO mOre dEtAils tEst & alSo will tEst e jAuNdice level at hErE. wOoOOoo i all thE wAy whEn nUrse stArted tO 抽血 stOppEd whEn shE finiShed. aftEr thAt wE gO up secOnd flOor rOom 46 tO sEe Doc le, Doc sAy mY jAuNdice level wAs 77, 2weeks ago wAs 187 sO nOt tO wOrRy. nOw thE only thinGs is wAit fOr hOspitAL e tEst rEsUlt, sAid if iS abnOrmAl will rEceived hOspitAl cAll if nOt thEn is nOrmAl..
iS timE arOund 9am+, dAdDy sAid bOught mE tO mAmA's hOuse thEn hE & mUmMy cAn go oUt tO wAtch mOvie, thE cOmplimEntAry Shaw mOvie tiCkEts wAs giVen by dAdDy's cOmpAny. aftEr mY pArEnts ate lUnch at mAmA's hOuse arOund 12pm+, thEy left mE & 姐姐 at mAmA's hOuse le thEn thEy hOld hANd(俩人世界) tO wAtch mOvie liao.....
if U likE tO sEe GetAi(歌台) thEn u will likE thiS mOvie...
~ 881 = pApAyA ~
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Friday, August 24, 2007 0 comments
yEstErdAy mUmMy wAs tOld mE i m a biG giRl alrEady mUst lEarn indEpEnDent(要学习独立了), asked mE whethEr wAnt tO in anOthEr rOom(gUest rOom) alOnE , i answered: yEs mUmMy....thEn i tOok my 宝贝(bOlster), pillow & fOllow mUmMy wAlk tO gUest rOom, mUmMy switched on the air-con fOr mE then i lie down on the Queen size bEd, mUmMy also put one single bEd on the flOor bEcAuse scarEd mE will fAll dOwn frOm bEd
, bUt firSt dAy dAdDy wAs slEpt with mE, mUmMy want tO tAkE cArE of 弟弟 sO cAnNot aCcompAny mE. thE secOnd dAy i slEpt alOnE le
这是老师教我们做的手工,iS a rAbBit...
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, August 22, 2007 0 comments
This mOrninG, I wAs nO plAygrOup clAsS. dAdDy & mUmMy brOught mE & 弟弟to pOlycliNic, bEcAuse 弟弟 want to jAb e Hep B & dO blOod tEst fOr jAundiCe. his jAundice level wAs 178, 2 weEks ago wAs 206 drOp abt 28. Doc sAy nEed tO dO blOod tEst again aftEr 2 wEeks which is 24 Aug fRidAy.....AftEr thAt wE gO tO anOthEr rOom fOr jAb...bEfOre the jAb, nUrse dO wEighiNg & mEasUremEnt fOr 弟弟...
wEight ~ 4.6kg
hEiGht ~ 54cm
hEaD CiRcUmfErEnCe ~ 38cm
brAnd of fOmulA milk ~ Enfalac A+
drinking 4oz mix with 125ml of water
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Friday, August 10, 2007 0 comments
Labels: zhEng xiAn's MileStOnEs
八月九日是新加坡的国庆日,wiSh SinGapOre hAPi 42 biRthdAy....
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Thursday, August 09, 2007 0 comments
Labels: zhEng xiAn's MileStOnEs
sEe whAt i hAvE dOnE with my dOg ~ whOo whOo, piG ~ oiNk oiNk & cOw ~ mOo moO
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Saturday, August 04, 2007 0 comments
tRaffic pOlice : tUrn riGht plEase!!!
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Thursday, August 02, 2007 0 comments