Wednesday, May 30, 2007
mY tErm tWo ExeRciSe bOoks.....
All thIs Exercise bOokS whIch iS mE dOnE In thE cLaSsrOom dE, tHe tEachEr rEtuRn mE tO bRinG hOmE fOr shOw mUmMy & dAdDy whAt i Am LeArn in thE cLaSs
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 30, 2007 0 comments
i gOt a ShRek hAirbAnd........
kEkEkE Am I cUtE???
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 30, 2007 0 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
My diNneR tOnitE.......
tOdAy mUmMy cOok fRied riCe fOr mY diNneR....yUmMy yUmMy...kekeke i toOok aBt 45mins tO fiNiShEd mY diNneR...
gUeSs whAt iS thIs thIs mY dRaWinG, hhmmm whAt dOEs it lOok liKe a bEar oR
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Tuesday, May 29, 2007 0 comments
Monday, May 28, 2007
bAd nEws aGAin............
On lAst sAtudAy dAdDy, mUmMy & mE wAs wEnt tO e ArowAnA fiSh sHow at Suntec City, thErE wAs a lOt oF pPl....At 3pm+ dAdDy rEcEived a cAll frm mAmA, sAid tAt 老玛玛 Aka dAdDy's 外婆 hAd pAssEd aWay, sO mUmMy hAvE tO tAke lEavE unTil 30 mAy tO lOok aFtEr mE. Of cOuRsE mAmA wAs UpSet bEcAuSe wIthIn a mTh bOth hEr pArEnts aRe lEavE hEr tO aNothEr wOrld. bUt iF cHoOse tO lEaVe tIs wORld iS a pAin rEliEf, & nO nEed tO sUffer aNyMoRe,Y nOt!!! 如果选择离开对他们来说是一种减轻病痛的解脱,那何常不是一件好事呢!! 因为他们也已经 80+ yrs old, & iN ~ oUt hOspitAl mAny tImEs......生老病死 tAt's cAll "LIFE".
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Monday, May 28, 2007 0 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
tAg : tHe MeAniNg Of XinYi ~ 欣怡
This is the sEcoNd tImEs mUmMy gOt tAgGed bY kArEn 姨姨, iS abt tHe mEaning Of mY nAmE…….
My nAmE Xin Yi 欣怡 wAs chosen bY mUmMy + dAdDy. bEcAuSe mY pArEnts wAn mE tO bE a hApi bAby sO gOt tHis cHinEsE nAMe fOr mE, bOth wOrd alSo hAvE e hApPy mEaniNg. bUt nOw mUmMy hAvE tO tHink Of 弟弟的名字. sO fAr hAvE nO iDea yEt, bUt mAybE wIll uSe 欣 at tHe cEntEr tOo ………
欣 ~ 快乐,喜欢,欣欣向荣
怡 ~ 愉快,怡然自得
& wHy I gOt LitTle diAnO tHis niCknAmE iS bEcAuSe mY pArEnts sAy mE aCt like mOnkEy & rEgulArly tHrOws tAntRums like dinOsAuR, bUt nAmE as dinOsAuR nOt nIce sO cAll mE diAnO lor
nOw I wAnt tO knOw aBt whAt’s thE meAning of thEir kiD’s nAmE:
mUmMy EsthEr ~ 弟弟蔡睿祖
Mummy yVonNe ~ 弟弟liOnEl
**StArt CoPy**
Proposition: WhAt iS thE meAning Of yOur kiD's nAmE?
Requirements: write about what or how or why you giving the name to your kids.
Quantity: fIvE pEopLe??? (hiAk hiAk hiAk mY blOg's kAki OnlY 3pErsOns ne iNclUsiVe kArEn 姨姨).
Tag Mode:
1st - You leave their blog and post link and add to the list below.
2nd - Let the blogger you want to tag know they been tagged by comment in their blog or etc.
Xilly - The Meaning Of Yi Yi And Tung Tung
Mummy In Vain - The Meaning Of Zi Wei And Zhen Nam
Immomsdaughter - The Meaning of Ryan and Nicole
Kelly - The Meaning of Qianyi
WokkingMum - The Meaning Of Warren and Trenyce
Wenzel's Little Notes - The Meaning Of Wenzel
Kylie - The Meaning Of Kylie
Shernise - The Meaning Of Shernise 芮婷
XinYi - The Meaning Of XinYi 欣怡
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 23, 2007 0 comments
Labels: tAg
LitTle diAnO 40mths Old..........
hOw tiMe fiLes, mE alrdy 40mths & goin tO 4yrs oLd sOon, hUrRay!! aFtEr thIs fiRdAy clAsS wIlL hAvE a lOnG lOnG sChoOl hOlidAy =P..nExt mOndAy dAdDy & mUmMy will bRing mE tO reGister NurSeRy clAsS fOr 2008......
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 23, 2007 0 comments
bAby_Ong 32 wEeks Old.......
~ sOmE bAbiEs hAvE a fUll hEad of hAir by this pOint; Others hAvE only pEach fUzz.
~ yOur bAby's fiNgeRnAils & tOenAils hAvE nOw gRown iN.
~ With yOur utErus pUshing up nEar yOur diAphragm & pUtting prEssUre on yOur abDomEn, yOu mAy be dEaling with hEartbUrn mOre oftEn or feEling a little shOrt of bReAth.
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 23, 2007 0 comments
Labels: bAby_Ong
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
bAby_Ong 31 wEeks Old.......
~ Your bAby iS accumulating a lAyer of fAt uNdEr his sKin. As a rEsult, his lEgs, aRms & torso aRe filling out.
~ YoU mAy hAvE nOticEd thE mUsclEs iN yOur utErUs tiGhtEniNg nOw & tHen. thEsE aRe BraXtOn hiCks & cOntrActions & its cOmmon tO feEl thEm in sEcOnd hAlf of yOur pRegnAncy.
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 16, 2007 0 comments
Labels: bAby_Ong
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
nEw MemBer jOin in oUr hOusE??
yStday dAdDy wAs toOk lEavE tO tAkE cArE of mE, bEcAusE mAmA 要去捡老公公的骨灰,过后还要去医院看老玛玛,所以没有空照顾我。So is dAdDy sEnd mE tO e plAygRoup in thE moRning, aftEr e plAygRoup sEssiOn, dAdDy brOuGht mE to bUy a rEd ArowAnA fiSh, hahaha Of cOurSe mAmI wAs nOt hApi lAh spEnd $1.3k tO bUy a fiSh!!! U sEe bElOw e VidEo is hOw dAdDy's $1.3k sWimMing iNsiDe e fiSh tAnk...hiak hiak hiak
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Tuesday, May 15, 2007 0 comments
Monday, May 14, 2007
A Gift fRom 小阿姨。。。。
This Mickey mOuSe's tOy 是小阿姨在香港的迪士尼乐园买给我的礼物,我很喜欢 小阿姨
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Monday, May 14, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Gifts
Saturday, May 12, 2007
A Gift fRom dAdDy......
tHis pOoh bEar's bAg & 3 lOvEly T-ShiRts iS dAdDy bOught fOr mE At ShAnghAi....I lOvE iT bEry mUch dAdDy.....
& When dAdDy wAs at ShAngHai, mAmA's fAthEr AkA 老公公(dAdDy的外公)hAd pAsSed AwAy. So mUmMy wAs on lEave tO tAkE cArE of mE(8~10 mAy)..mAmA wAs very upset when she heard this nEws, & 老玛玛(dAdDy的外婆) sTay in hOspitAl tOo..hOpe thAT eVerythings will be fine..
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Saturday, May 12, 2007 0 comments
Labels: Gifts
~ hApi mOthEr's dAy ~
thIs iS mY liTtlE diAno giVe mE e mOthEr'S dAy Gift, iS tHe pLaygRoup tEach thEm tO dO..& shE alSo kNOw hOw tO sinG 妈妈好,世上只有妈妈好,妈妈爱我 我也爱妈妈,祝妈妈幸福快乐,妈妈我永远爱你。。。。。haha i wAs sO hApi whEn she sing tis sOng to mE..& I alSo WiSh All mUmmiES ~ hApi mOthEr's dAy ~
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Saturday, May 12, 2007 0 comments
Thursday, May 03, 2007
bAby_OnG's Update ....
tOnite mUmmy gOt appOintmEnt with Dr.Don Wong at 8.15pm, & becAuse Of dAdDy knOck off eArlier, sO wE rEach there by 7.30pm, abt 45mins eArlier & lUcky nO neEd tO wAit fOr lOng Q. aftEr 2mins of regiSter then is mUmmy turn.... this mth mUmmy wAs pUt on wEight 4kg agAin ~ 60.2kg, 弟弟的wEight is abt 1.3kG, Dr.Don Wong sAy vEry gOOd bOth aRe grOwing wEll
...sO neXt viSit will bE in 3wEeks timE on 24 mAy 07.....hOW tImE fiLes, 弟弟将会在两个多月后来到这世界,但是mUmmy还没有准备好那些要带去医院的用品,如弟弟的衣服,奶瓶..etc。。。。。往后的日子dAdDy & mUmmy可能会很忙了,因为要照顾弟弟还有我,可能会有一段时间不能去外婆家了。
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Thursday, May 03, 2007 0 comments
Labels: bAby_Ong
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
29 wEeks Old....
~ Your's bAby skeleton which iS nOw hardening - receives abt 200 milligrams calcuim a dAy.
~ Your's head iS growing bigger tO accommodate his brain,which is busy developing billons of neurons.
~ It's common tO get hemorrholds during pregnancy. These swollen blood vessels in your rectal area show clear up a few weeks after delivery.
~ You may feel dizzy if you lie on your back nOw. That's because your growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from your lower half to your heart.
pOstEd bY 文蕙怡贤 at Wednesday, May 02, 2007 0 comments
Labels: bAby_Ong