Wednesday, April 25, 2007

28 wEeks Old....

~ Layers of fAt are beginning tO form as your bAby gEts ready fOr life oUtside the wOmb.

~ Your bAby nOw has eyelashes & will turn his head toward a cOntinuous, bright light from oUtside.

~ You should bE able tO feel your bAby's mOvEments qUite regularly nOw.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


ThEse cAkEs aRe mAkE by 小阿姨 + hElpEr 大阿姨 + viEwEr 妈咪 = OnE bAnAnA cAkE & pAndAn cAkE

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

我的弟弟 27 wEeks Old

~ Your baby may suck his fingers, you may also feel him getting the hiccups nOw & then.

~ Your baby can nOw open & close his eyes, & he sleeps & wakes at regular intervals.

~ As your uterus grows, it puts pressure on the blood vessels that return blood from your legs. As a result, your leg muscles might cramp up nOw & then

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

cUtE !!!!

dO U tHink tHis iS a gOOd idEa thAt if oUr liTtle onE bEinG nAuGhty???

Monday, April 09, 2007

Tag: 10 Reasons Why I Married Him

AiYoOo, mUmMy kena kArEn 姨姨 tAgGed ne………bElOw iS mUmMy's 10 rEasOns Y shE mArriEd dAdDy.......

1. hE trEats mE wEll & dOtEs on mE.
~ bUt nOw I think he dOtEs oUr litTle giRl mOrE thAn mE >_< ~

2. hE cAn tOlerAte my bAd tEmPer.
~ oUr litTle giRl alSo ~

3. hE gOt a gOOd tEmpEr.

4. hE iS fRiEnDly & cAn wORk hArd

5. hE dOn’t lOvEs shOpPing. bUt sUpErmArkEt iS finE.
~ hE Only shOp fOR whEn wAnt tO bUy sOmEthiNgs thAt hE nEedEd...hihihi mE alSo leArn fRom him ~

6. hE lOvEs kiDs & his fiSh.
~ thAts Y Our hOuSe gOt 10 fiSh tAnks @_@......mUst prAy vEry hArd thAt hE dOn't gO fOr bUsinEsS tRip if nOt hiS fiSh hAven't diE mE alrDy fAintZ!!!! ~

7. hE is wiLLinG tO shArE hOusEwORk bUrdEns.
~ EspEciAlly mE nOw 25weeks prEgnAnt~

8. hE dOesn’t sMokE, dRink & gAmBle.
~ Except 4D & tOtO ~

9. hE iS a fAmiLy-mAn.
~ tAkE cArE of his pArEnts & mY fAmiLy as wEll, whEn hE fReE will cOok fOr mE ~

10. MOst impOrtAntly, hE lOvEs mE mOrE thAn I lOvE him.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

WhAt Ong Xin Yi Means??

O is for Openhearted

N is for Naive

G is for Genius

X is for XtRemE

I is for Industrious

N is for Nice

Y is for Young

I is for IntElliGent