hOw timE fiLes, tOdAy alReAdy iS yEAr 2007 e lAst dAy le. & 2 mOre dAys i will bE bAck tO sChOol, i m loOking fOrwArd on thiS dAy......wiSh ALl of yOu
*~* nEw yEAr Eve 2007_12_31 10.30pm *~*
mUmMy: tOdAy my cOmpAny wAs giVen hAlf dAy knOck Off(12.30pm)
arOund 12.20pm hUbby sms aSked mE whAt time i cAn knOck off tOdAy? i rEplied him 12.30pm thAt all hihi bEcAuse i alrEady mEet up mY fRiend fOr lUnch le & eArly mOrning aftEr sEnd uS tO MIL's hOuse hE wEnt tO jUrOng fiShing pOnd fOr fiShing sO i thOught hE wOuld be fiSh until eVening timE, hE rEplied mE sAid he wOuld bE fiSh until 3pm & aSked whEthEr wAnt tO wAtch 5pm movie? eErmm think of mEet up with fRiend 4hrs shOuld bE enOugh timE ba so repliEd ok & wAtCh at jUnctiOn 8.
sO i rEachEd jUnctiOn 8 arOund 1pm (mY cOlleAgues gAve mE a lift tO nEarest bUs stAtion tAke bUs wOuld be fAster). aftEr rEach of cOurse wAs shOp arOund fiRst bUt bEfOre thAt i gO up lEvEl 4(GoldEn VillAge CinemA) tO sEe whAt shOws thEy hAve tOdAy, thEy only shOw "I Am Legend", "Alvin & the Chipmunks" & "National Treasure: Book of Secrets" on aftEr 5pm..hUbBy sAid wAnt tO wAtch "The Warlords" bUt only shOw at eArly timE, cAlLed hUbBy tO cOnfiRm agAIn & dEcided tO wAtch "I Am Legend". 2 tiCkEts cOst SGD $19 bUcks.....bEfOre brOught tiCkEts alrEady lEt my fRiend know thAt i will wAtch 5pm moVie at jUnctiOn 8, & mAybe of thiS rEasOn she end up "放我飞机" & 以为我是在利用她来打发时间的 bUt sEriOusly i wAs nOt
thiS 2 tOp wAs bRought at Esprit cOst SGD $19.90 bUcks, likE thE 3 qUater slEeve, thE phOne pOuch wAs SGD $10.95 bUcks fOr 3